What it means to be a “bag holder” in trading & why you should know

If you’ve ever traded in stocks or crypto, you’ve more than likely heard the term “bag holder.” Veterans in the market understand the term very well, for reasons we’ll point out in this post. So, if you are just starting out in trading, please take the time to read through this. It may save you a lot of money and a lot of heartache.

What does the term bag holder actually mean?

Being a bag holder is pretty straight forward. It is essentially a term for someone who is left holding the “bags” after someone else has run off with the money.

Rolls off the Tongue, LEFT HOLDING THE BAG Origin: By Andyman1943 

In the world of stock trading, more often than not, this is the retail investor. Retail investors come to the market with little knowledge of how the market works or how it is designed to take advantage of them — over and over again.

Obviously, the modus operandi of influential and well-funded market participants is to generate demand for their products, i.e. certain stocks. We call them market makers. After all, it is their job to work for companies or institutions who’ve acquired a certain amount of shares and need to make a profit off those shares.

Why bag holders are needed in the market

In order to turn a profit, market makers need someone to sell to. It’s no different than any other marketable product. Buy up all the “widgets” at a wholesale price and store them in a warehouse. Create demand for the widgets, mark up the price, and soon everyone will be wanting your widgets.

As word gets out, like the recent AMC buying frenzy, everyone and their neighbor believes they are going to get rich by buying widgets and selling them when they reach $1000.

After all, that’s the story that all the online promoters and influencers have sold to you right? All it takes is a little fervor in the storyline, and an army full of sheep to believe it, and the market makers have the perfect exit.

Little do they know that there is no other way for market makers to get rid of all those widgets in the warehouse at once. They need a sea of buyers. And as the price rises and rises quickly, they take advantage of the demand to dump all the widgets into unassuming retail buyer’s hands.

Hence, they leave with the money, and you’re left as a the widget bag holder.

Example 1 of a bag holder

Let’s use the AMC example mentioned above in order to gain a perspective of what bag holding looks like on a chart.

AMC buyers left holding the bag.
AMC buyers left holding the bag.

Notice on the chart that the stock price more than tripled in a matter of a few days. As the stock continues to rise, it creates a sense of “fomo“. Every one is calling their mother and grandmother and 2nd cousin, Bill, and telling them to buy AMC because it is going to the moon.

The talking heads on CNBC and Reddit and Twitter and everywhere else are all fueling the fire. In essence, the fomo meter is completely maxed out. Get in now, or you’re going to miss out!

Stock Market Fomo Meter

So you hesitate, you buy late, and then you HODL (Hang On for Dear Life) hoping you’re going to get rich when AMC goes to the moon.

Unfortunately, as you’re buying, the market makers are cashing in all those pretty little AMC shares that they accumulated at a much lower price. Your FOMO is their exit strategy.

The result, whatever you invested was cut in half as the price dropped 60% from the highs.

How to use bag holding to your advantage

Now that we’ve painted such a grim and menacing picture of bag holding, let’s look at a simple trick. This trick will allow you to use bag holding to your advantage.

The concept of bag holding actually centers around volume weighted average price. We’ve got plenty written on it.

Suffice it to say, a volume weighted average price will tell you at what price “most” of the market participants are “averaged” into the stock. This gives you an indication of the “over/under” for who is holding the bags.

To that point, when a stock is in a sideways trading range, it’s likely that the bag holder hasn’t been determined yet. If a stock is breaking down from a consolidation at the highs, longs are probably holding the bags. And vice, versa.

Let’s look at an example.

Using VWAP Boulevard and Anchored VWAP to find bag holders

There are two indicators we really like when trying to find the bag holders in a stock: vwap boulevard and anchored vwap.

We’ve written extensively on them, so be sure to check out those articles linked above.

Now, let’s look at our AMC example again, but this time with VWAP Boulevard indicators turned on.

VWAP Boulevard can help you find bag holders
VWAP Boulevard can help you find bag holders

Notice in the chart above that there are 5 lines. Most of them are pastel pink and purple. However, the one we have annotated as VWAP BLVD #1 is black. This is the most important vwap boulevard line. It represents the closing vwap of the highest volume day on the chart.

Volume is king in trading. It gives you so much information as to supply and demand and big events in the market.

In this example, notice how the price of AMC fumbled around that vwap boulevard line for many days following the climactic push. This is your over under line. As price begins to break down from that point, it becomes clear that buyers are the bag holder. This is your signal to get out and cut your losses quickly.

Consequently, the price later found some support at a lower vwap boulevard line, VWAP BLVD Line #3, but only after a massive decline in price. So, as you can see, these lines are always worth a look when analyzing price charts.

Using Anchored VWAP to find bag holders

In the same chart below, we’ve now added a red anchored vwap from the highest volume day on the chart. Notice how it acts similarly to the vwap boulevard line we have drawn.

Anchored vwap helps find bag holders
Anchored vwap helps find bag holders

This can be another tool in your belt when trying to find the over/under line for bag holders. Once they start sinking, buyers are now under water.

What happens when someone holds the bags when they are shorting stocks?

Bag holding doesn’t have to be just for buyers. You can have sellers holding the bags as well. In fact, if you are a buyer of stocks, you probably want sellers to be the bag holder. This is the thesis behind all of the short squeezes that have been so popular lately.

Essentially, just like the AMC example above, when short sellers pile into a stock, they expect it to go down. However, if there is enough demand present, the sellers can quickly become overwhelmed as the stock price continues to rise.

Unfortunately, this can lead to catastrophic losses for short sellers, but exponential gains for buyers. Check our recent podcast for an example of how a short squeeze can blow your account.

Let’s look at an example of what this might look like with a quick examination of liquidity traps.

Liquidity traps create short seller bag holders

To trap shorts, you first want to create a high volume day and give shorts the upper hand by the end of the day. Notice HLBZ below has done just that.

HLBZ gap day
HLBZ gap day

Then, you want liquidity to dry up in the ensuing days, while maintaining price at key levels. This creates a predicament for short sellers. How? You might ask?

If you’re going to take a strong short selling position, you need plenty of time and lower prices in order to get out of your position and take profits. If price is kept high enough, and no more selling pressure comes in, this could spell Barney Rubble (trouble) for shorts.

Notice how in the next image, the second day, volume completely dried up:

HLBZ day before liquidity trap
HLBZ day before liquidity trap

And then the next day, it was carnage for short sellers. Some news created a catalyst for longs to come in, and shorts began to cover as quickly as possible, fueling a squeeze.

HLBZ Liquidity Trap
HLBZ Liquidity Trap

You might be asking, but how did you know the over/under line for shorts to become bag holders? This goes back to vwap boulevard again. Let’s look at this example with vwap boulevard drawn on the highest volume day in JFIN.

JFIN liquidity trap
JFIN liquidity trap

Note the wick on the first high volume candle. Lots of selling pressure. Then price holds vwap boulevard as volume dries up the next day. Price begins to rise on the third day, and shorts are soon under water.

How to avoid becoming a bag holder

Honestly, it’s a matter of education and discipline. If you don’t understand market dynamics and technical analysis, you’re going to have a hard time making money. Unless, of course, you get lucky. But, luck runs out some times.

The great investor Bill O’Neil taught that you should buy stocks in an uptrend that have paused and then resume their uptrend. This gives you a great opportunity to buy something that is strong. Buying high and selling higher seems counterintuitive, but it’s a lot better than being a bag holder.

Think about it this way, if a stock is showing weakness and beginning to break down, like AMC above, how do you know it will eventually rally? Why not keep your eye on the over/under and save your cash by selling for a small loss. The longer you hold a loser, the more your hard-earned cash depletes.

Follow these guidelines to avoid being a bag holder:


Here at TradingSim, we believe the fastest way to consistent profitability is through trading replay and simulation. By all means, study study study all the gurus you want, but put their strategies to practice in a trading simulator first.

If you don’t want to take our word for it, take it from the worlds most renowned trading psychologist, Dr. Brett Steenbarger.

Here’s to good fills!

Day trading scans are an integral part to any day trading strategy. How else will you know what to trade? Yet, in a universe of thousands of stocks, finding the best candidates each morning can be a daunting task. In this post, we’ll share our top 4 criteria for finding the best tickers to trade each day.

In addition, we’ve created this quick tutorial for how to use the TradingSim scanning tools. Be sure to check it out as a primer for the content below.

Why Scan for Stocks?

On any given day, you’ve got the option to trade somewhere between 6000-8000 publicly listed companies. Not to mention all the OTC stocks, derivatives, and more.

No one can trade that many securities at once, for obvious reasons. Nor would you want to. You want to find the best tickers that will bring you the biggest reward.

Day trading scans offer a way to funnel that list into proper categories of equities that match your trading style or system. This way, you can focus on patterns you recognize, and discard the rest.

To that end, let’s look at few reasons why you might want to scan for stocks:

  1. Volatility/Momentum
  2. Volume/Liquidity
  3. Short or Long Bias
  4. Strategy

This is just a short list, but it encompasses a lot of what day traders are looking for each day as they scan the markets. Let’s take each one and look at why it is important, plus offer some scanning tips.

1. Volatility and Momentum

Day traders want to make the most of their money in the shortest amount of time. As opposed to swing trading, day traders expect to earn a decent percentage of their portfolio by buying and selling during the day. By the end of the day, they are back in cash.

Whereas a swing trade may take days or weeks or months to realize a big return, day traders scan for and capitalize on big moves each day.

Therein lies the importance of volatility and momentum.

Volatility and momentum are important for two reasons:

  • Without volatility, large intraday swings are not likely
  • Momentum gives the trader a big picture setup

Meme Stock Example

Meme stocks have been all the rage in 2020 and 2021. Stocks like AMC, GME, and others, have catapulted from their meager single digit values, to double and even triple digit per share valuations.

Take a look at the range that some of these daily candles have on AMC and GME:

AMC and GME volatility
AMC and GME volatility

On one day in January of 2021, GME gapped to $500+ and then fell almost $400 in a that same day. Likewise, AMC doubled its value in a single day in June 2021.

Now that is extreme volatility!

And as you can see, it can run both ways, up or down.

While these might be “outlier” moves in a normal market, they are perfect examples of the results you should seek for day trading scans — if volatility and momentum fit your strategy.

Filtering for Volatility and Momentum

In keeping with the meme stock examples above, let’s use our TradingSim scanner and see how we could have narrowed our results to include these big days.

An easy way to scan for volatility and momentum is to filter for %gain or %loss on high volume. What this tells us is that the stock is either gapping up or down with a lot of interest from speculators.

A simple premarket scan on January 28, 2021, filtering for %loss and highest volume, gives us the following results:

Top Volume + % Loss day trading scans
Top Volume + % Loss day trading scans

In the results populated, we see GME in both columns. GME had the 14th highest amount of shares traded in the premarket that day, for the entire market. It was also the 5th biggest % decline at -24.06% by the time of market open.

That is a big fluctuation!

And now that you have your scan results, it is up to you to look at the chart and decide when and how you want to trade the ticker.

Scanners and filters don’t tell you how to trade, they simply show you the best opportunities for the day.

By the time 9:30am came around, GME had doubled in value, then retraced that entire move:

GME momentum up and down

This is a perfect representation of how volatility and momentum complement each other. The extraordinary intraday swings create a myriad of opportunities for the nimble day trader.

2. Volume and Liquidity

Volume and liquidity determine how easily you can get into and out of a position. In general, the higher the liquidity and volume, the easier it is to place larger orders at will.

In our GME example, over 5 million shares had been traded in the premarket for that day. That’s over $2,000,000,000 in shares traded in the premarket alone!

By the end of the day, it had traded over 23 million shares.

Why Volume and Liquidity Matter

Scanning for day trades with high volume and liquidity is important for a handful of reasons. Without proper liquidity, you may find yourself in one of the following predicaments:

  1. You won’t get filled when trying to sell limit orders.
  2. Market orders may experience massive slippage.
  3. You might ended up being a bag holder.
  4. You’ll be tempted to average down to support your position.

None of these options are ideal.

In similar fashion to volatility and momentum, volume and liquidity give you the steady stream of buying and selling you need to enter and exit positions.

To give an analogy, if volatility and momentum are the class 5 rapids you’re floating down, volume and liquidity are the water that keeps you from running aground.

Turn the volume off, the momentum stops.

Low Liquidity Example

To visualize this imagine trying to trade INS on this day in June 2021. Crickets are chirping and no one is home.

INS low volume example
INS low volume example

At only 26,600 shares traded on the day, what’s the point in even placing an order? You’ll be down $0.20 – $0.30 immediately, and good luck getting filled on anything with size.

Hopefully you can see the difference between low liquidity like the example above, and high liquidity like the GME example.

Filtering for High Volume and Liquidity

There are a number of ways to scan for volume and liquidity. We’ve shown two ways in the volatility example above.

However, if you want to increase your filter criteria, we suggest searching for stocks with higher market caps.

Scanning for larger cap liquidity
Scanning for larger cap liquidity

In the day trading scan above, we pick stocks with a minimum of $1 billion market cap or higher with a minimum of 100k shares traded over the past three months and 100k shares traded in the premarket. We’ve also limited the results to only stocks traded in the S&P 500.

We then sort those by highest volume, name the filter, then click save.

This way, you’re eliminating smaller cap stocks of lower valuation. Plus, the volume criteria eliminates a lot of the thinly traded stocks in the market.

3. Short or Long Bias

The great thing about filtering your day trading scans is that you can limit your results to a directional bias. Not all traders want to go long, and not all traders want to go short.

Depending on your preference, the market may be presenting more opportunities in one direction or the other. Thankfully, we can filter for either direction.

Long Scan Ideas

The simple method for scanning for long ideas is to look for premarket gappers. Here are a couple of methods you can use to scan for either % gain or $ gain.

$Gain and %Gain day trading scans
$Gain and %Gain day trading scans

This populates a great starting list to narrow down your trade ideas for the day. As we’ve said before, not all the stocks will be great trading candidates.

It will be up to you to run through the charts and identify your setups, volume, and other criteria you like.

The reverse side to this scan is simply the $ Loss and % Loss scans. Run these if you’re looking for an opportunity to short a continuation move, or go long on an oversold bounce.

More Long/Short Scan Ideas

Perhaps you want to get a bit more granular on the daily chart before you zoom into the intraday price action. That’s a great plan.

Maybe you like to play breakout plays, or you only want to trade stocks that are breaking down?

Here is an example of scanning for 52-week highs with similar criteria from the last scan:

Select the 52 week high button, filter by top volume, name your scan, and then save! The results will populate with potential breakout plays, as seen in this example of EGY below.

52 week high day trading scan result
52 week high day trading scan result

On the left, we have our list of stocks. Selecting the first one, we see a potential breakout candidate on the daily chart.

Now, it is just a matter of matching the stock’s intraday action with our own day trading strategies.

To do the opposite of this scan, simply choose the 52-week low option.

4. Scanning for Strategies

Speaking of strategies, we’ve come to our fourth and final tip for narrowing down day trading scan results. In all honesty, though, the other scan tips we’ve already mentioned are centered around strategies:

And that’s just to name a few.

The great thing about scanning for day trades, is that just a handful of simple filters can generate a myriad of ideas. It all depends on what you want to trade.

Perhaps you want to run scans based on a vwap strategy? How about MACD? Moving Averages?

There are so many ways to scan for stocks, the list could go on forever.

Nonetheless, let’s pick one more powerful strategy before we wrap things up.

Short Squeeze Strategy

Have you ever heard of a short squeeze? In light of the meme stock craze lately, short squeezes are becoming a household phrase.

Generally speaking, a short squeeze occurs when too many traders are betting that the stock will go down. They borrow the shares to sell from their broker, and hope to buy back those shares at a lower price, expecting to make money in the opposite direction of bulls.

However, sometimes the bulls smell an opportunity. The more demand they create, the more they “squeeze” the traders betting against the upward momentum.

As short traders are forced to “buy back” the shares they were selling short, the stock price is driven higher and higher.

The GME discussion above was a great example of a catastrophic short squeeze. Many institutions blew up their funds in that trade.

Bloomberg short squeeze headline
Bloomberg short squeeze headline

But if you want to be long and take advantage of these events, you need to be able to find stocks with a high short interest.

Here’s how we do that:

Filtering for Short Squeezes

Inside the TradingSim simulator, we create a new filter.

Short % of Float Scanner
Short % of Float Scanner

We select a high “short % of float” amount, like greater than 20% in this case. Then we order our results by top volume so as to filter out thinly traded stocks.

The alternative order would be to simply choose “%Gain”. Either one should give good results.

Give the scan a name and save it.

The results should give you plenty of stocks that are being shorted heavily by institutions, but which are also trading with high volume.

Short Squeeze List Results
Short Squeeze List Results

For the list we’ve created, notice that the top candidate on our list is MRIN. In the daily chart provided here, we’ve forwarded the time stamp to the end of the day so that you can see just how powerful the move was.

The short interest and demand pressure squeezed shorts for almost a 100% gain that day!


Day Trading Scans can offer traders a multitude of different ways to narrow their focus for the day.

That being said, we understand that not every trader is going to have the same strategy, bias, or techniques. However, we’ve hopefully created some very simple, generalized, yet effective ideas for you.

Feel free to put these filters to the test in our simulator as you practice your day trading strategies, and leave us some feedback on how they’re working for you!