Three Fibonacci Trading Strategies + Infographic & Video Explanation

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At times it feels like traders give the Fibonacci trading sequence an almost mystical power. Yet, despite its mysterious accuracy in trading and in nature, Fibonacci is nothing more than simple retracement levels. These levels are the only representative of where a security could have a price reaction, but nothing is etched in stone.

What is the Fibonacci trading strategy?

In the stock market, the Fibonacci trading strategy traces trends in stocks.  When a stock is trending in one direction, some believe that there will be a pullback, or decline in prices.  Fibonacci traders contend a pullback will most likely happen at the Fibonacci retracement levels of 23.6%, 38.2%, 61.8%, or 76.4%. As we’ll discuss below, a pullback is also possible at 50%.

For instance, if GE (NYSE:GE) is selling at $20 and rises to 21, the pullback will be 23, 38, 50, 61, or 76 cents. Fibonacci traders will expect support at these levels.

On the contrary, some day trading experts see these Fibonacci numbers as a short-sell strategy. For instance, if GE stock is at $21 and falls to $20.62, some Fibonacci traders may see the 38 cent drop as a good sign to short the stock.

For all intents and purposes, the Fibonacci retracement is a valid trading strategy to trade stocks. However, Fibonacci numbers aren’t always the best indicators of a trend.

What do trading experts say about Fibonacci trading?

Chris Svorcik is a forex trader who often uses Fibonacci trading. He says that traders can use the Fib method, but says that they need more experience to master Fibonacci trading. 

“I am a huge fan of EW[Elliott Wave, another trading strategy] and Fibs, but it does require some experience to handle it. Using moving averages does in my view shorten the learning curve. Also using price swings or EW as a support tool rather than a main trading tool, I think, makes it less complicated, ” said Svorcik.

Daniel Leboe, an analyst with Zach’s, also likes using the Fibonacci retracement. However, he also advises caution to traders when using the trading strategy. 

“Fibonacci retracement is a good tool to use when deciding if now is a good time to buy, but do not look at it as the holy grail. In this volatile market, we are prone to blow through levels. Make sure you have a shopping list of stocks you like ready so that you can pull the trigger when the time comes,” said Leboe.

“Fibonacci queen” says traders should have a plan with trading strategy

Experienced trader Carolun Boroden trades so often with the Fibonacci strategy that she’s been dubbed the “Fibonacci Queen.” She says that even if traders follow the Fibonacci strategy, they should still have a specific trading plan.

“You [need] a specific plan that describes what your trade setups are; how you’re going to get into the trades; what you are going to risk; how you’re going to manage the trade and take profits; how you’re going to have certain targets, or you’re going to trail a stop.”

Carolun Boroden

Does the Fibonacci trading strategy predict stock market trends?

While some financial experts are skeptical of the Fibonacci strategy, it has predicted other downturns before. In February before the COVID-19 crisis, the Dow Jones retraced about 50% before the economic crash. Andrew Adams is a technical analyst at Saut Strategy. He wrote in a research note that the pullback at that ratio meant an end to the previous bull market.

“Rallies of all sizes do regularly eventually pull back at least to the 38.2%-50% Fibonacci levels,” wrote Adams.

Not long after that retracement, the bear market devastated the stock market.

While the strategy has predicted a bearish market, it can also predict a bullish market as well.  According to CNBC’s Jim Cramer, Boroden’s Fibonacci strategy predicted a stock market recovery in May.  

“The charts, as interpreted by Carolyn Boroden, suggest that the major averages are still in rally mode, but it’s a precarious rally where you need to proceed with caution if we fail to break out from these levels and slip back to where we were not that long ago,” said Cramer.

“She thinks the S&P is a buy right here. There’s too much going right in her charts for her to say anything else. However, she says you should be ready to sell if we fail to break out over the 200-day moving average, eventually,” added Cramer.

While the Fibonacci trading strategy isn’t exact, if used correctly, it can predict major stock market trends. The different Fibonacci trending strategies will be explored in this article.

Fibonacci Trading Personas

Before we go into the gritty details about Fibonacci trading strategies, it is worth our time to discuss the different types of fibonacci trading personas you might encounter. While mostly fictitious, these three personas do an awesome job of summarizing common trading practices.

Fibonacci Persona Infographic

Which Persona Best Describes You

You must first ask yourself the question of how you plan on leveraging Fibonacci in your trading regimen. If you haven’t done so already, think about writing a trading plan to review before, during, and after the market closes.

Depending on what the market is offering, you might fluctuate between the low and high volatility Fibonacci trader. Or, you may find yourself only using Fibonacci as an ancillary tool to support your trade plan thesis.

Fibonacci assists in seeing hidden levels of support and resistance to help you determine you entry and exit targets. To what degree you emphasize these levels depends upon your own conviction with the tool.

Chapter 1: Origin of the Fibonacci Sequence

Does this numbering scheme mean anything to you – 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377? Not really, right?

Well, don’t be surprised, not many recognize the pattern. These numbers are the root of one of the most important techniques for identifying psychological levels in life and in trading.

Behold the mighty Fibonacci ratios!

Hundreds of years ago, an Italian mathematician named Fibonacci described a very important correlation between numbers and nature. He introduced a number sequence starting with two numbers: 0 and 1.

Building a Fibonacci Sequence [1].

Again, we start with 0 and 1.

0, 1

The sequence requires you to add the last two numbers to get the next number in the sequence. Following this logic, we get the following equation:

0 + 1 = 1

Now we have our third number in the sequence – 1. See below for the updated sequence.

0, 1, 1

Now we add the last number in the sequence to the previous number once again:

1 + 1 = 2

We again update our sequence with the number 2.

0, 1, 1, 2

and then…

1 + 2 = 3

and then…

0, 1, 1, 2, 3

and then….

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5

and then….

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

and then….

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13

This process goes on to infinity.

Chapter 2: Key Fibonacci Ratios

Fibonacci discovered every number in the sequence is approximately 61.8% of the next number in the sequence.

55 / 89 = 0.6179775280898876 = 61.8%

233 / 377 = 0.6180371352785146 = 61.8%

144 / 233 = 0.6180257510729614 = 61.8%

This is not the only correlation. Fibonacci also uncovered that every number in the sequence is approximately 38.2% of the Fibonacci number two steps ahead.

(13, 21, 34)

13 / 34 = 0.3823529411764706 = 38.2%

(21, 34, 55)

21 / 55 = 0.3818181818181818 = 38.2%

(55, 89, 144)

55 / 144 = 0.3819444444444444 = 38.2%

(144, 233, 377)

144 / 377 = 0.3819628647214854 = 38.2%

Also, we have another ratio! Every number in the Fibonacci sequence is 23.6% of the number after the next two numbers in the sequence:

(55, 89, 144, 233)

55 / 233 = 0.2360515021459227 = 23.6%

Pretty cool, huh?

Chapter 3: Fibonacci Ratios Everywhere

Fibonacci Sea Shell

Fibonacci Sea Shell

Here is an example of the Fibonacci in nature with this sea shell. The volume of each part of the shell matches exactly the Fibonacci numbers sequence. Thus, each part of this shell is 61.8% of the next.

It works the same way with this aloe flower:

Aloe Flower Fibonacci sequence
Aloe Flower Fibonacci

If we separate the aloe flower into even particles, following the natural curve of the flower, we will get the same 61.8% result.

This ratio is not only found in animals and flowers. This ratio is literally everywhere around us. It is in the whirlpool in the sink, in the tornados when looked at through satellite in space or in a water spiral.

The Fibonacci ratio is constantly right in front of us and we are subliminally used to it. Thus, the human eye considers objects based on the Fibonacci ratio as beautiful and attractive.

On that token, big corporations like Apple and Toyota have built their logos based on the Fibonacci ratio. After all, these are two of the most attractive and engaging logos in the world.

Still not a believer, check out this study from Harvard’s math department where they cite a study from Dr. Rowland from Merrimack College on how to tie knots using Fibonacci [2].

Chapter 4: Fibonacci Ratios in Trading

Coming back to the markets, trading with Fibonacci isn’t all that complicated.

A logical method for entering a trade is when the stock is going through a pullback.

Well, where would you think to place your entry?

Without knowing anything about Fibonacci trading, you would likely say 50%.

That my friend makes you a Fibonacci trader.

That’s what Fibonacci trading is about, understanding stocks do not move in a linear fashion. Fibonacci helps new traders understand that stocks move in waves and the smaller the retracement, the stronger the trend.

Now, it’s time to take you to the level of an intermediate Fibonacci trader. To do this, you need to know the other two critical levels – 38.2% and 61.8% retracement.

Price action must be analyzed at these levels to understand if the countertrend move will stop and the trend will resume.

Fibonacci retracement levels are used by many retail and floor traders [3], therefore whether you trade using them or not, you should at least be aware of their existence.

Some advanced traders will take it a step further and add Fibonacci arcs and Fibonacci fans to their trading arsenal in search of an edge. We will touch on these later.

Chapter 5: How to Interpret Fibonacci Levels

Defining the Primary Trend

Strong Uptrend

Defining the primary trend with Fibonacci requires you to measure each pullback of the security. If you see a series of new highs with retracements of 50% or less, you are in a strong uptrend.

Strong Uptrend

The above chart is of Alphabet Inc., on a 5-minute chart. Notice how Google doesn’t have any retracement greater than 50%. These successive new highs with minor pullbacks are the sign you are in a strong uptrend.

Choppy Market Fib Levels

Here is another example of a trend with Chipotle (CMG).

Choppy Market
Choppy Market

Do you see how each pullback is greater than 78.6% from the initial range? This level of retracement repeatedly produces a choppy pattern. Therefore, you would not want to have lofty profit targets on a trade while the stock is in a tight trading range.

78.6% is not a hard-fast rule. If you see retracements of 61.8% or 100%, the stock is likely in a basing phase before the next move.

That’s it, you now understand how to use Fibonacci to define the strength in the market.

Remember, the market is either trending or flat.

A general rule of thumb for the overall market is it trends 20% of the time and is range bound the other 80%.

Chapter 6: Three Simple Fibonacci Trading Strategies

#1 – Pullback Trades

First, you want to identify a security in a strong trend.

A strong trend can be defined as a stock with successive highs with pullbacks of less than 50%.

If you are day trading, you will want to identify this setup on a 5-minute chart 20 to 30 minutes after the market opens.

After identifying a strong uptrend, observe how the stock behaves around the 38.2% and 50% retracement levels from the morning highs by looking at the time and sales and Level 2.

Once you see the trading activity slowing down or turning, enter the trade.

You can use the most recent high or a Fibonacci extension level as a target point to exit the trade.

38.2% retracement example
38.2% retracement fibonnaci trading example

In the above chart, notice how LGVN stays above the 38.2% retracement level before making a higher high.

Where Can Things Go Wrong?


The chart above looks so clean and safe. The reality is that you will likely have a 40%-70% hit rate depending on your ability to honor your rules and manage your emotions.

Therefore, you need to prepare for when things go wrong. In a pullback trade, the likely issue will be the stock will not stop where you expect it to. It may pullback to a full 100% retracement, or it could even go negative on the date.

I have had situations trading the Nikkei where a stock will have a 15% or greater swing from the morning highs.

You can protect yourself from this scenario by doing the following:

Trade Low Volatility Stocks

Penny stocks look great when a trader is discussing their 30% gain in one hour. However, it’s brutal if you are on the other side of the trade. Trade stocks with high volume and some volatility because we need to make a living, but don’t feel like you must trade with the other gunslingers.

Max Time Loss

Look back over your winning trades and determine how long it takes you to turn a profit with 85% confidence.

If that is 5 minutes or one hour, this now becomes your time stop. If there is only a 15% chance you will walk away a winner, just exit the trade with a predetermined allowable loss percentage or right at market.

Max Stop Loss

There is no way around it, you will have blowup trades. I do not care how good you are, at some point the market will bite you. To this point, have a max stop loss figure in mind.

As a general rule, we prefer 10%. But since we only use a small portion of the account size for each position, this keeps a total portfolio loss of under 2%. With lower volatility stocks, this may trigger a stop only once or twice a year.

The point is you, need to be prepared for the inevitable.

#2 – Breakout Trades

Breakout trades have one of the highest failure rates in trading. To help these odds, we’ll give you a few things you can do to up the chances of things working out.


Clearing a Fibonacci Extension Level

Fibonacci extensions are just that, once price clears the 100% retracement and presses on.

You want to find a stock clearing this extension level with volume.

Clearing Fibonacci Extension Levels
Clearing Fibonacci Extension Levels

It’s not enough to just buy the breakout.

Therefore, you want to make sure as the stock is approaching the breakout level, it has not retraced more than 38.2% of the prior swing. This will increase the odds the stock is set to go higher.

Where Can Things Go Wrong?

In terms of where things can go wrong, it’s the same as we mentioned for pullback trades. The one difference is that you are exposed to more risk because the stock could have a deeper retracement since you are buying at the peak or selling at the low.

So, to mitigate this risk, you will need to use the same mitigation tactics as mentioned for pullback trades.

#3 Trading with Indicators


You can use Fibonacci as a complementary method with your indicator of choice. Just be careful you do not end up with a spaghetti chart.

Fibonacci Retracement + MACD

This Fibonacci trading strategy includes the assistance of the well-known MACD. Here we will try to match the moments when the price interacts with important Fibonacci levels in conjunction with MACD crosses to identify an entry point.

We hold the stock until we receive a crossover from the MACD in the opposite direction.

Fibonacci Retracement w/ MACD
Fibonacci MACD

This is the 60-minute chart of Yahoo.

The two green circles on the chart highlight the moments when the price bounces from the 23.6% and 38.2% Fibonacci levels.

At the same time, the green circles on the MACD show a cross up of the indicator.

Thus, we go long every time we match a price bounce with a bullish MACD crossover.

The red circles show the close signals we receive from the MACD.

We open two long positions with Yahoo and we generate a profit of $5.12 per share.

Fibonacci Retracement + Stochastic Oscillator + Bill Williams Alligator

In this Fibonacci trading system, we will try to match bounces of the price with overbought/oversold signals of the stochastic. When we get these two signals, we will open positions.

If the price starts trending in our favor, we stay in the market if the alligator is “eating” and its lines are far from each other. When the alligator lines overlap, the alligator falls asleep and we exit our position.

Fibonacci Alligator Stochastics combination
Fibonacci Alligator

This is the 30-minute chart of TD Bank.

The price drops to the 61.8% Fibonacci level and starts hesitating in the green circle. Meanwhile, the stochastic gives an oversold signal as shown in the other green circle.

This is exactly what we need when the price hits 61.8% and we go long! A few hours later, the price starts moving in our favor. At the same time, the alligator begins eating!

We hold our position until the alligator stops eating. This happens in the red circle on the chart and we exit our long position. This trade brought us a total profit of $2.22 per share.

Fibonacci and Volume

We saved this one for last because it’s our favorite go-to with Fibonacci. Volume is honestly the one technical indicator even fundamentalist are aware of.

Fibonacci and Volume
Fibonacci and Volume

We mention this a little later in the article when it comes to trading during lunch, but this method works really during any time of the day.

As a trader, when you see the price coming into a Fibonacci support area, the biggest clue you can look to is the volume to see if that support will hold. Notice how in the above chart the stock had a number of spikes higher in volume on the move up, but the pullback to support at the 61.8% retracement saw volume plummet.

This doesn’t mean people are not interested in the stock, it means that there are fewer sellers pushing the price lower.

This is where longs come in and accumulate shares in anticipation for the rally higher.

Chapter 7: Advanced Fibonacci Trading Topics

Fibonacci Speed Resistance Arcs

Fibonacci Arcs are used to analyze the speed and strength of reversals or corrective movements. To install arcs on your chart you measure the bottom and the top of the trend with the arcs tool.

The arcs appear as half circles under your trend, which are the levels of the arc’s distance from the top of the trend with 23.6%, 38.2%, 50.0%, and 61.8% respectively.

Each of the Fibonacci arcs is a psychological level where the price might find support or resistance.

Fibonacci Arc

This is the 30-minute chart of Apple.

I have placed Fibonacci arcs on a bullish trend of Apple. The arc we are interested in is portrayed 38.2% distance from the highest point of the trend.

When the price starts a reversal, it goes all the way to the 38.2% arc, where it finds support. This is the moment where we should go long.

Lastly, we recommend placing a stop right below the bottom created on the arc.

Fibonacci Time Zones

Fibonacci time zones are based on the length of time a move should take to complete, before a change in trend. You need to pick a recent swing low or high as your starting point and the indicator will plot out the additional points based on the Fibonacci series.

Fibonacci Time Zones

Notice, in this case, Apple’s price undertakes a move based on Fibonacci numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8.

Do you remember when we said that Fibonacci ratios also refer to human psychology? This also applies to time as well.

Negatives of Trading with Fibonacci

Increased Expectations

Unfortunately, with Fibonacci trading, you begin to expect certain things to happen. For example, if you see an extension as the price target, you can become so locked on that figure you are unable to close the trade waiting for bigger profits.

If you are trading pullbacks, you may expect things to bounce only for the stock to head much lower without looking back.

Therefore, if you are trading with Fibonacci at the core of your system, expect things not to work out about 40% of the time.

Take that in for a second. That is quite a bit of times where you’ll be wrong. This means it is absolutely critical you use proper money management techniques to ensure you protect your capital when things go wrong.

Closing Too Soon

The other scenario is where you set your profit target at the next Fibonacci level up, only to see the stock explode right through this resistance. Thus, resulting in you leaving profits on the table.

Leaving it on the Table
Leaving it on the Table

What Are We to Do?

Fibonacci will not solve your trading woes. Again, you can hope to be right 60% to 70% of the time. This is not only when you enter bad trades, but also exiting too soon.

So, what are we to do?

The answer is to keep placing trades and collecting your data for each trade. You will have to accept the fact you will not win on every single trade.

Trading During Lunch

Talk to any day trader and they will tell you trading during lunch is the most difficult time of day to master.

The reason lunchtime trading is so challenging is that stocks tend to float about with no rhyme or reason. Volume and range trail off considerably.

So, how can you profit during the time when others like to get lunch? Simple answer – Fibonacci levels.

Often times, during the lunch hour, a stock will make a pullback to a key Fibonacci support level. For bigger corrections, that might be 78.6%.

Ken Chow of Pacific Trading Academy, also mentions the benefit of a lower-risk entry at the 78.6% level.[4]

However, everyone isn’t as pessimistic as Ken, so you can go with 50% or 61.8%. It all depends on what the stock is actually doing.

Midday Pullback Example

Fibonacci Lunch Time Trading
Fibonacci Lunch Time Trading

The above chart is of the stock GEVO. Notice how the stock gapped up in the morning and then formed a nice base at the 50% retracement level.  Now at this point of the day, you want to see two things happen: (1) volume drop to almost anemic levels and (2) price stabilize at the Fibonacci level.

The combination of these two things almost guarantees volatility also will hit lower levels. You want to see the volatility drop, so in the event you are wrong, the stock will not go against you too much.

Managing the Trade

So, naturally, the question is how do you manage the trade.

First, you want to see the stock base for at least one hour. Then you want to see higher lows in the tight range. In the GEVO example, you want to place your buy order above the range with a stop underneath.

Curious to see what happened?

400 Percent in One Day
400 Percent in One Day

Of course, this doesn’t happen all the time. So, please do not say we are pushing lunch breakouts that can run 400%.

This is just a real-life example that shows the power of Fibonacci levels providing support during the middle of the day.

Now, remember, you have to exercise extreme caution with the middle of the day trading.

Not so much from the perspective of the market going against you, as you can see you have tight stops.

It’s more around the fact these setups fail a lot.

So, again, keep tight stops and always have realistic expectations.


  • The Fibonacci sequence starts from 0; 1, and every number thereafter is built by the sum of the previous two.
  • Every number in the Fibonacci sequence is 61.8% of the next number.
  • Numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are 38.2% of the number after the next in the sequence.
  • Every number in the Fibonacci sequence is 23.6% of the number after the next two numbers in the sequence.
  • The deeper the retracement on a pullback, the less likely the stock will break out to new highs
  • Fibonacci levels are critical in equity trading because they represent a trader’s behavior and psychological reaction to price changes.
  • The most common Fibonacci trading instrument is the Fibonacci retracement, which is a crucial part of the equity’s technical analysis.
  • Other Fibonacci trading tools are the Fibonacci speed resistance arcs and Fibonacci time zones
  • Whether you trade pullbacks, breakouts or indicators; you must have a trading plan to manage your position.

Like anything else in life, to get good at something you need to practice. So, if you have a second check out

Here you can practice all of the Fibonacci trading techniques detailed in this article on over 11,000 stocks and top 20 futures contracts for the last 2.5 years. Our customers are able to test out strategies by placing trades in our market replay tool and not just relying on some computer-generated profitability report to tell them what would have happened.

As we all know, looking at results of a report and placing trades are two totally different things!

External References

  1. Reich, Dan. The Fibonacci Sequence, Spirals, and the Golden Mean. Department of Mathematics, Temple University
  2. Twisting with Fibonacci [Study]. Harvard College Mathematics Review. p.66
  3. Fibonacci Retracement. Wikipedia
  4. Chow, Ken. Trading with Fibonacci Ratios [Blog Post]. Pacific Trading Academy

Photo Credit

Aloe Flower

Today we will dive deep into the significance of Pivot Points for day trading. When you finish reading this article, you will understand the 5 reasons why day traders love using them for entering and exiting positions, and how you can employ them as a part of your overall trading plan.

Feel free to watch our free tutorial on Pivot Points by in-house daytrading expert, Al Hill. Al is a 20-year trading veteran.

What Are Pivot Points

As a technical analysis indicator, a pivot point uses a previous period’s high, low, and close price for a specific period to define future support. In addition, other small calculations determine the “outside” points.

Together, these can determine the bounds of a stock price over different time periods giving traders an edge on the market.

7 Pivot Point Levels Explained

There are seven basic pivot levels on the chart:

Pivot Point Levels Explained

Basic Pivot Level (PP) – This is the middle and basic pivot point on the chart.

Resistance 1 (R1) – This is the first pivot level above the basic pivot level.

Resistance 2 (R2) – This is the second pivot level above the basic pivot point, and the first above R1.

Resistance 3 (R3) – This is the third pivot level above the basic pivot point, and the first above R2.

Support 1 (S1) – This is the first pivot level below the basic pivot point.

Support 2 (S2) – This is the second pivot level below the basic pivot point and the first below S1.

Support 3 (S3) – This is the third pivot level below the basic pivot, and the firs below S2
7 key Pivot Points explained

History of Pivot Points

Pivot points were originally used by floor traders on stock exchanges. They used the high, low, and close prices of the previous day to calculate a pivot point for the current trading day.

This calculation helped them notice important levels throughout the trading day. Pivot points have predictive qualities, so they are considered leading indicators to traders. 

The main pivot point is the most important price level for the day.  Essentially, it represents the balance between bullish and bearish forces.

In other words, when prices are above the pivot point, the stock market is considered bullish. If prices fall below the pivot point, the market is considered bearish. 

While pivot points were originally used by floor traders, they’re now used by many retail traders, especially in equities and forex. 

5 Reasons Why Day Traders Love Pivot Points

1) Unique for Day Trading

The pivot points formula takes data from the previous trading day and applies it to the current trading day. In this manner, the levels you are looking at are applicable only to the current trading day. This makes the pivot points the ultimate unique indicator for day trading.

2) Short Time Frames

Since the pivot points data is from a single trading day, the indicator can only be applied to shorter time frames. The daily and the 30-minute chart will not work, because it will show only one or two candles.

The best timeframes for the pivot point indicator are 1-minute, 2-minute, 5-minute, and 15-minute. Hence, its use for day traders.

3) High Accuracy

The pivot point indicator is one of the most accurate trading tools. The reason for this is that the indicator is used by many day traders, professional and retail alike.

This will allow you to trade with confidence and the flow of the market.

4) Rich Set of Data

Pivot points on charts provide a rich set of data. As we discussed above, the indicator gives seven separate trading levels. This is definitely enough to take a day trader through the trading session.

5) Easy to Use

The PP indicator is an easy-to-use trading tool. Most of the trading platforms offer this type of indicator. This means that you are not required to calculate the separate levels; in fact, the Tradingsim platform will do this for you. Your only job will then be to trade the bounces and the breakouts of the indicator.

Pivot Point Calculation

Daily pivot points are calculated based on the high, low, and close of the previous trading session.

When you add the seven pivot levels, you will see 7 parallel horizontal lines on the chart.

Pivot Points
Pivot Points

The above chart is zoomed out in order to show all 7 pivot levels.

Let’s now discuss the way each of the seven pivot points is calculated. First, we need to start with calculating the basic pivot level (PP)– the middle line.

PP Calculation

Below is the formula [1] you should use to determine the PP level on your chart:

Pivot Point (PP) = (Prior Daily High + Low + Close) / 3

R1 R2 S1 S2 Pivot Levels Calculation

Now that we know how to calculate the PP level, let’s proceed with calculating the R1, R2, S1, and S2 pivot levels:

R1 = (2 x Pivot Point) – Prior Daily Low

R2 = Pivot Point + (Prior Daily High – Prior Daily Low)

S1 = (2 x Pivot Point) – Prior Daily High

S2 = Pivot Point – (Prior Daily High – Prior Daily Low)

R3 S3 Pivot Levels Calculation

We are almost done with the pivot point calculation. There are two more levels to go – R3 and S3.

R3 = Daily High + 2 x (Pivot Point – Prior Daily Low)

S3 = Daily Low – 2 x (Prior Daily High – Pivot Point)

See that the formulas for R1, R2, R3, S1, S2, and S3 all include the PP value.

This is why the basic pivot level is crucial for the overall pivot point formula. Therefore, you should be very careful when calculating the PP level. After all, if you incorrectly calculate the PP value, your remaining calculations will be off.

Pivot Points 2
Pivot Points 2

You are now looking at a chart, which takes two trading days. Each trading day is separated by the pink vertical lines. We use the first trading session to attain the daily low, daily high, and close.

  • Daily High = 14.39
  • Daily Low = 14.28
  • Close = 14.37

Then we apply the three values in the formulas above, and we get the following results:

  • PP = 14.35
  • R1 = 14.42
  • R2 = 14.46
  • R3 = 14.53
  • S1 = 14.31
  • S2 = 14.24 (not visible)
  • S3 = 14.20 (not visible)

5 Different Kinds of Pivot Points

Here are five types of the most popular pivot points.

1. Standard pivot points

Standard pivot points are the most basic pivot points that day traders can calculate. First, traders start with a base pivot point. That’s the average of the high, low, and close from a previous period.

Below is the complete calculation for standard pivot points.

  • To calculate the Base Pivot Point:
    • (P) = (High + Low + Close)/3 calculate the First Support Level: Support 1 (S1) = (P x 2) – High
  • When calculating the Second Support Point:
    • Support 2 (S2) = P  –  (High  –  Low)
  • To calculate the First Resistance Level:
    • Resistance 1 (R1) = (P x 2) – Low
  • When calculating the Second Resistance Level:
    • Resistance 2 (R2) = P + (High  –  Low)

2. Fibonacci Pivot Points (The Most Popular)

The Fibonacci pivot point is perhaps the most popular among traders.

Fibonacci extensions, retracements, and projections are commonly used in forex, but are used with equities as well. The Fibonacci retracement levels are named after a mathematical sequence.

Ken Ribet is professor of mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley.  He points out that a Fibonacci number started out having a simple formula.

“A lot of things in mathematics and probably in the real world are governed by simple recursive rules, where each occurrence is governed by a simple formula in terms of the previous occurrence. And a Fibonacci number has the simplest possible formula, just the sum of the previous two.”

Ken Ribet

Katie Stockton is the founder and managing partner of the technical analysis firm Fairlead Strategies, LLC in Stamford, Connecticut. She has an interesting speech about the impact of the Fibonacci on gold. 

In the her speech, Stockton points out that Fibonacci levels can become so “widely followed level that…there becomes some self-fulfilling property to it.”

The Key Levels

On that token, the main Fibonacci levels that traders monitor are the 38.2% and the 61.8% retracement levels

Here is the calculation for the Fibonacci pivot point.

  • To calculate the Base Pivot Point:
    • Pivot Point (P) = (High + Low + Close)/3
  • When calculating the First Support Level:
    • Support 1 (S1) = P – {.382 * (High  –  Low)}
  • To calculate the Second Support Level:
    • Support 2 (S2) = P – {.618 * (High  –  Low)}
  • When calculating the First Resistance Level:
    • Resistance 1 (R1) = P + {.382 * (High  –  Low)}
  • To calculate the Second Resistance Level:
    • Resistance 2 (R2) = P + {.618 * (High  –  Low)}
  • When calculating the Third Resistance Level:
    • Resistance 3 (R3) = P + {1 * (High  –  Low)}

3. Woodie’s Pivot Point

Woodie’s pivot points place more weight on the closing price.  However, the calculation is similar to the standard pivots formula. 

The calculation is as follows:

R2 = PP + (High – Low)

R1 = (2 X PP) – Low

PP = (High + Low) + (2 x Closing Price) / 4

S1 = (2 X PP) – High

S2 = PP – (High + Low)

4. Camarilla Pivot Points

Another pivot point that traders use are Camarilla pivot points. Nick Scott invented the Camarilla pivot point in the 1980s.

It’s similar to the Woodie’s pivot point. However, there are four resistance levels and four support levels. In contrast, the Woodie pivot point has two Resistance levels and two Support levels. 

This is the calculation for the Camarilla pivot point:

R4 = Closing + ((High -Low) x 1.5000)

R3 = Closing + ((High -Low) x 1.2500)

R2 = Closing + ((High -Low) x 1.1666)

R1 = Closing + ((High -Low x 1.0833)

PP = (High + Low + Closing) / 3

S1 = Closing – ((High -Low) x 1.0833)

S2 = Closing – ((High -Low) x 1.1666)

S3 = Closing – ((High -Low) x 1.2500)

S4 = Closing – ((High-Low) x 1.5000)

5. Demark Pivot Points

Demark pivot points have a different relationship between the opening and closing prices.  Noted trader Tom Demark introduced this version. 

The Demark pivot point uses the number X to calculate the lower level line and the upper resistance level. It also emphasizes recent price action.  The calculation is as follows:

If Close > Open, then X = (2 x High) + Low + Close

If Close < Open, then X = High + (2 x Low) + Close

If Close = Open, then X = High + Low + (2 x Close)

Pivot Point = X/4

Resistance 1  = X/2 – Low

Support 1  = X/2 – High

How to Draw the Pivot Point Stock Market Indicator

The pivot point stock market indicator should be applied to the chart as follows:

  • PP level
  • R1 and S1
  • R2 and S2
  • R3 and S3

When you follow this order there is a small chance that you might mistakenly tag each level. To avoid this potential confusion, you will want to color-code the levels differently.

For example, you can always color the PP level black. Then the R1, R2, and R3 levels could be colored in red, and S1, S2, and S3 could be colored in blue. This way you will have a clear idea of the PP location as a border between the support and the resistance pivot levels.

Thankfully, these days many charting platforms have a built-in pivot point indicator. This means that the indicator could be automatically calculated and applied on your chart with only one click of the mouse.

This will definitely save you a ton of time.

How Pivot Points Work

Pivot points provide a standard support and resistance function [2] on the price chart.

When price action reaches a pivot level it could be:

  • Supported/Resisted
  • Extended (breakouts)

All things considered, if you see the price action approaching a pivot point on the chart, you should treat the situation as a normal trading level. Nonetheless, if the price starts hesitating when reaching this level and suddenly bounces in the opposite direction, you might then trade in the direction of the bounce.

However, if the price action breaks through a pivot, then we should expect the action to continue in the direction of the breakout. This is called a pivot point breakout.

Day Trading with Pivot Points

Now that we understand the basic structure of pivot points, let’s now review two basic trading strategies – pivot level breakouts and pivot point bounces.

1. Pivot Point Breakout Trading

To enter a pivot point breakout trade, you should open a position using a stop limit order when the price breaks through a pivot point level. These breakouts will mostly occur in the morning.

If the breakout is bearish, then you should initiate a short trade. If the breakout is bullish, then the trade should be long.

Always use a stop loss when trading pivot point breakouts.

A good place for your stop would be a top/bottom which is located somewhere before the breakout. This way your trade will always be secured against unexpected price moves.

You should hold your pivot point breakout trade at least until the price action reaches the next pivot level.

How it works:

Pivot Point Breakout Strategy
Pivot Point Breakout Strategy

This is the 5-minute chart of Bank of America from July 25-26, 2016. The image illustrates bullish trades taken based on our pivot point breakout trading strategy.

The first trade is highlighted in the first red circle on the chart when BAC breaks the R1 level. We go long and we place a stop loss order below the previous bottom below the R1 pivot point. As you see, the price increases rapidly afterwards.

For this reason, we hold the trade until the price action reaches the next pivot point on the chart. When this happens, the price creates a couple of swing bounces from R2 and R1.

After bouncing from R1, the price increases and breaks through R2. This creates another long signal on the chart. Therefore, we buy BAC again.

There is a long lower candlewick below R2, which looks like a good place for our stop loss order.

The price then begins hesitating above the R2 level. In the last hours of the trading session, BAC increases again and reaches R3 before the end of the session.

This is an exit signal and we close our trade.

2. Pivot Point Bounce Trading

This is another pivot point trading approach. Instead of buying breakouts, in this pivot point trading strategy we emphasize the examples when the price action bounces from the pivot levels.

If the stock is testing a pivot line from the upper side and bounces upwards, then you should buy that stock.

Conversely, if the price is testing a pivot line from the lower side and bounces downwards, then you should short the security.

As usual, the stop loss order for this trade should be located above the pivot level if you are short and below if you are long.

To be clear, pivot point bounce trades should be held at least until the price action reaches the next level on the chart.

How it works:

Pivot Point Bounce Strategy
Pivot Point Bounce Strategy

Above is a 5-minute chart of the Ford Motor Co. The image shows a couple of pivot point bounce trades taken according to our strategy.

Our pivot point analysis shows that the first trade starts 5 periods after the market opening. The price goes above R2 at the opening bell. Then we see a decrease in supply and a bounce from the R2 level. This creates a long signal on the chart and we buy Ford placing a stop loss order below the R2 level.

Immediately following, the price enters a bullish trend. Because of this, we stay with the trade until Ford touches the R3 level.

At this point, we close the trade.

However, the price bounces downwards from the R3 level after the second test. This is another pivot point bounce, so we short Ford security as stated in our strategy.

A stop loss order should be placed above the R3 level as shown on the chart.

After a short consolidation and another return and a bounce from the R3 level, the price enters a bearish trend. We hold the short trade until Ford touches the R2 level and creates our exit signal.

5 Common Mistakes when Trading with Pivot Points

5 Common Mistakes when Trading with Pivot Points

1. Only looking at teh current days pivot points
2. Shorting stocks that gap over R4 pivot level
3. Trading low float stocks
4. Placing stops right at support and not slightly below
5. Greed - not exiting at PP level

Trades that Clear S4 or R4

These are the setups you really want to hone in on.

Think about it, why buy a stock that has resistance overhead. You can just as easily invest in a stock that has the wind to its back and you can ride the wave higher.

If there is no one looking to sell at a pivot point resistance level and there are no swing highs – that equals odds in your favor.

Even when things go wrong, you are still likely to come out even or at least have a fighting chance.

This going with the trend, of course, works just as well with shorts that clear S4 support.

Here is a real example of this pivot point trading strategy with Advanced Auto Parts (AAP).

Pivot Points and FIbonacci Levels
Pivot Points and Fibonacci Levels

Is there anything different on the chart that you weren’t expecting to see?

If you can’t point it out, it’s the Fibonacci levels in the upper left of the chart.

Fibonacci Levels

Once a stock has cleared all of the daily pivot points, the next thing you need to look for are the overhead Fibonacci extension levels and swing highs from previous moves.

These levels can be used as your target areas for your trades. You can then use these levels to calculate your risk-reward for each trade.

After purchasing the stock on the break of both the pre-market and intra-day high, it’s now about holding on and riding the trend up to the next Fibonacci level at around 261.8% (2.618) retracement.

At this point, you do not want to get greedy. You should always look to clean off your trade slightly below that level.

Try applying these techniques to your charts to identify the levels tracked by professional traders.

Pivot Points and High Float Stocks

Nowadays many gurus are talking about low float, momo stocks that can return big gain. There may be a place for trading those stocks if you are highly experienced and accustomed to volatility and high risk.

However, when it comes to Pivot Points, high float stocks are still in vogue [3].

The beautiful thing about higher float stocks is that these securities will adhere to and trade in and around pivot point levels in a predictable fashion.

If you are a trader just starting out with pivot points and want to get a handle on things, you will want to start with these large-cap stocks. Once you get a handle on things, you can always progress to the penny stocks.

How Pivot Points Help Build Consistency

Do you find yourself obsessing about when to exit your trades. Maybe your entries are solid but you always have sellers remorse.

You either regret getting out too early or holding on too long.

This is something many traders struggle with for years.

To this point, including pivot points in your trading could be like going from the dark and stepping into the light. The beauty of using pivot points is that you have three clear levels:

  1. where to enter the trade
  2. when to exit the trade
  3. how to place your stop

If you are the type of person that has trouble establishing these trading boundaries, pivot points can be a game-changer for you.

To further illustrate this point, check out the below charts

Entry, Exit, Stops
Entry, Exit, Stops
Entry, Exit, Stops - 2
Entry, Exit, Stops – 2

Do you see the beauty of the pivot points on the chart?

If you struggle with where to place your stops, entries and profit targets, pivot points take care of all of that for you.

You do not need an expensive trading system or AI program to accomplish this goal.

The other major point to reiterate is that you can quickly eyeball the risk and reward of each trade. Therefore over time, you will inevitably win more than you lose, and the winners will be larger.

This, my friend, is how you build wealth – one trade at a time.

Knowing When You are In a Losing Trade with Pivot Points

The other key point to note with pivot points is that you can quickly identify when you are in a losing trade.

Cannot Hold Pivot Level

If you are going long in a trade on a break of one of the resistance levels and the stock rolls over and retreats below this level – you are likely in a bad spot.

Cannot Hold the Level
Cannot Hold the Level

This should give you pause for concern when it doesn’t pan out the way you had planned.

This does not mean you need to run for the hills, but it does mean you need to give the right level of attention to price action at this critical point.

Time Lapse

The other point is to consider the amount of time that passes after you have entered your position.

If your position is sitting below or right around the breakout level 30 minutes after entering the trade – the stock is screaming warning signals.

Too Much Time
Too Much Time

Do not over think exiting bad trades. If you find yourself in a trade that is stalling or not holding a level, just exit the trade. Waiting around for something to happen can lead to more losses.

Beyond the money, the major issue you will face is the emotional turmoil of tacking such a loss. Remember, do not think – just close the trade!

Pivot Points from Prior Days

Most charting software will allow you to select whether you want to see the current day’s pivot points or if you would like to see pivot points from prior days.

At first glance, it’s easy to want to focus on the current day levels as it provides a clean chart pattern; however, prior days levels can trigger resistance on your chart.

R4 Level Cleared
R4 Level Cleared

In the above chart of NANO you can see that the R4 level was cleared. The next question you are likely to ask yourself is where will NANO stop?

Unfortunately, simply looking at the pivot points for one day gives you no way of making that determination.

Multiple Days of Pivot Point Levels

Now, let’s take another look at that example with more than one day’s worth of pivot point data.

Multiple Days of Pivot Points
Multiple Days of Pivot Points

As you can see in the chart, there are a number of resistance levels near our closing price on the day. Like any other indicator, there is no guarantee the price will stop on a dime and retreat.

The point of highlighting these additional resistance levels is to show you that you should be aware of the key levels in the market at play.

You will need to look at the level 2 or time and sales to see which level you need to focus on. This is the real challenge. If you immediately sell you might possibly forego big profits.

As an option, you could sell out at the next resistance level up. You might be leaving money on the table, but there is a greater risk of being greedy and looking for too much in the trade.

Placing Stops

Trading with pivot points allows you the ability to place clear stops on your chart. What you do not want to do is simply place your stops in line with the next level up or down.

You have to take more care when identifying your stop placement.

Remember, you are not the only one that is able to see pivot point levels.

Anyone with a charting application can know the R1, R2 and R3 levels.

So, how do you still protect your trade but without risking too much?

Beyond Key Psychological Price Levels

For starters, you could place your stop just beyond the levels. In other words, you will want to hide the stop behind logical price levels.

For example, if you have an S1 level at $19.65, then you will want to place your stop at $19.44. Why at this level? 50 cents is a big mental price level for stocks under $20 bucks.

Therefore, you will likely have a large number of stops right at the level. Therefore, if you place your stop slightly beyond this point, you might avoid being stopped out of the trade as a shake out.

Volume at Price

Another method is to look at the amount of volume at each price level. If you are long and are eyeing an S1 level to stop the selling pressure, you can also see how much volume has been traded at a certain price level.

The idea is to then place your stop slightly below or above these levels. Let’s look at a chart to illustrate this point.

Volume at Price - Pivot Points
Volume at Price – Pivot Points

In the above example, notice how the volume at the support level was light. This shows you that there was not a lot of selling pressure at this point and a rebound was likely to occur at this level.

Next, notice how the price barely breached the S3 level and then reversed higher. For this type of setup, you want to see the price hold support and then set your target at a resistance level that has accompanying volume.

After BLFS bounced, it ran up to the R1 resistance before consolidating which coincidentally had a decent amount of volume at the $19.15 price level.

If you were long, a stop directly below the S3 level would have kept you in the trade.

How to Practice with Pivot Points

Hopefully you now have an intimate knowledge about Pivot Points: their formulas, strategies, and usefulness for day traders.

As with any trading strategy, it takes time and practice to really gain the upper hand on the market. For this reason, there is no better way to practice Pivot Points than in a simulator.

We suggest trying at least a 20-trade sample of this strategy and analyzing those trades before putting real money to work.

External References

  1. Pivot Points. Wikipedia
  2. Aspray, Tom. (2012). The Most Powerful Pivot Point Level. Forbes
  3. Miller, Terin. (2019). What are Blue Chip Stocks and Why Should You Invest in Them?.