Slope of Hope-Is the Stock Market Recovering?

There is an old saying about the stock market: ” A bull market will climb a wall of worry, while a bear market will slide a slippery slope of hope.” Loosely translated, that means that a bull market may have periods of decline, while a bear market may have short-term rallies. With the current upswing in stocks during the end of the bear market, is it safe to say Wall Street has recovered from COVID-19?

In this TradingSim article, I’ll explore whether the latest rallies mean that the stock market is in a sustained recovery for new investors. I’ll also write about 10 stocks that are performing well and driving the recent Wall Street rebound.

What is a slope of hope?

Slope of Hope
Slope of Hope

A slope of hope is a glimmer of hope in a bearish market. The phrase comes from financial expert Robert Prechter. He noted that even if stock prices are falling, there’s still hope for a rally. He explained the meaning of the phrase in 2010.

“Even though the market is about to begin its greatest decline ever, the era of hope is not quite finished.  For as long as another year and a half, there will be rallies, fixes, hopes and reasons to believe in recovery.  Our name for this phase of the bear market is the ‘Slope of Hope’,” said Prechter.

Is the U.S. still in a recession?

Even though the stock market is recovering, the U.S. economy at large is still struggling. The country’s gross domestic product (GDP) contracted at 32.9%, the largest drop since the Great Recession in 2009.

Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS Markit, noted that while some industries like construction and dentistry are doing well, others like airlines are still struggling. The oil industry and natural gas ETFs are especially hit hard by decreased oil prices.

“It’s very much a sort of two-tiered economy right now,” said Behravesh.

Van Eck natural gas dropped during bear market

When the GDP plummets for two quarters in a row, that means the U.S. is in a recession. While the economy is cratering, this recession is different from the previous one ten years ago. Liz Ann Sonders, Schwab’s chief investment strategist, notes that the nationwide shutdown caused the current recession.

“We’ve never had a full-stop economic shutdown by government mandate ever in history,” said Sonders.

This recession is in contrast to the one caused by the collapse of big banks in 2008.

Why are stocks sliding down the slope of hope?

While the economy is still sluggish, stocks have been on a volatile ride. As Sonders noted, the rollercoaster ride of the stock market over the last few months has been unprecedented.

‘We went from an all time high on February 19 to down 35% on March 23 at a record clip, the fastest move from an all-time high to bear market territory in history. But the speed with which the rebound happened is unlike anything we’ve seen before,” said Sonders.

Senior economists like Bob Schwartz is optimistic that low mortgage rates and an increase in housing activity will help spur the stock market.

“Record-low mortgage rates, the onset of spring and improving sentiment are spurring a burst of activity in the housing market. For the most part, economic indicators are showing more strength than expected, confirming that the worst of the COVID-19 recession is behind us,” said Schwartz.

Ironically, the economic hardships that many Americans are experiencing are helping drive optimism in the stock market. When the COVID-19 crisis started, many people had to quarantine and miss work. The government paid out $1,200 economic stimulus checks to Americans to supplement missed income. As a result, many Americans finally had money to spend on household goods and food, which spurred Wall Street optimism.

Economic analysis firm IHS Markit noted that increased spending helped the economy.

“Household spending has benefited from federal stimulus payments (“economic impact payments”) and been reinforced by the return to work for some employees,” noted IHS Markit.

Jurrian Timmer is the director of global macro at Fidelity Investments. He’s another financial expert who believes that the stock market is a leading indicator about the economy’s eventual road to recovery.

“Typically the market will start declining before a recession is visible and it will start recovering about four months before the end of a recession”, said Timmer.

When did the slope of hope start?

While the economy is in a recession, ironically, the stock market has been climbing. Quincy Krosby is a chief media strategist at Prudential Financial. He commented that the stock market tends to rise and fall based on future hopes, not current reality. For example, in May, despite high unemployment and civil unrest, the stock market climbed. That was because of news about possible coronavirus vaccines.

“Every time there has been a positive announcement regarding a vaccine, it’s had a halo effect on the market. This is a market that has been desperate to see the other side of this, and the only way it can do that, is watching those announcement from the companies moving towards a vaccine,” said Krosby.

Why is the stock market rising despite negative economic news?

Bad Stock Market News
Bad Stock Market News

Despite the negative news about the overall economy, Krosby commented that the stock market is often independent of the economy.

“The market always seems heartless, without any emotion, without caring, without empathy. But that’s the nature of the market. The algorithms almost certainly have no shred of empathy. They’re not supposed to,” said Krosby.

Nicholas Colas is co-founder of DataTrek Research. He notes that the stock market has a history of rising despite volatility outside Wall Street.

“There are many valid reasons to be bearish on risk assets like stocks or corporate debt just now, but history shows markets look through many sorts of tumultuous events and have done so for decades. That may seem counterintuitive, and perhaps not even ‘fair,’ but it’s absolutely true,” said Colas.

Sam Stovall is the chief investment strategist at investment research firm CFRA. He’s bullish on the stock market and believes that the recent rally is a sign of long-term recovery.

“I think the March 23 low will eventually be regarded as the start of the new bull market,” said Stovall.

“The reason for my optimism is the massive amount of stimulus,” added Stovall.

Some economists are pessimistic about stock market recovery

While many economists are bullish on the stock market, some are bearish. James Montier is a behavioral economist who writes that the stock market may not recover so quickly. He writes that the economy may not recover as fast if struggling small businesses don’t rebound as well.

“The impact on business in terms of bankruptcies and lower investment will also be key. It is easy to imagine that in the wake of the virus, entrepreneurs may be hesitant to try and start new businesses, which are often said to be the lifeblood of the U.S. economy. Sadly, many businesses will have failed due to the effects of the pandemic, and even those that do survive may likely find their animal spirits dampened significantly,” wrote Montier.

Montier added that while he isn’t trying to predict the future of the stock market, Wall Street is still trying to predict the future with certainty.

“I don’t know the answers to these questions, and I am going to refrain from participating in the very popular trend of becoming an armchair epidemiologist or virologist, but I do know that these questions and many others exist,” said Montier.

“I am also certainly not in the business of trying to second-guess how the future will unfold, but I do know that anyone claiming certainty of foresight is likely to be sorely disappointed. And yet, Mr. Market appears to be doing exactly that,” added Montier.

Some analysts say stock market is still on wall of worry instead of slope of hope

In addition to Montier, Doug Ramsey is chief investment officer and portfolio manager at the Leuthold Group. He’s skeptical that the latest rally will match the last bull market rally in 2009.

“The current rally is either the first up-leg of a new bull market or the second-largest bear-market rally in the past 125 years,” said Ramsey.

“I’m trying to look at the glass as half-full, but how can we embark on a multiyear bull market when we’re at valuations that are so much higher than what they were at the same stage of the last bull market?” added Ramsey.

Ryan Detrick is a senior investment strategist at LPL Financial. He notes that there is no way to predict what will happen in the stock market during this volatile year.

“There are no roller coasters that can replicate what stocks have done so far in 2020,” said Detrick.

Despite the volatility of the stock market, there are some stocks that are performing well. Here are ten stocks that are doing well despite the pandemic.

1. Clorox

Clorox stock (NYSE:CLX) has been a top performer since the quarantine. With a demand for cleaning products, the company’s antiseptic wipes have been in high demand. Clorox stock roared up 54% this year. The stock has jumped 16.6% just over the past three months.

Clorox had excellent Q3 2020 earnings

In its Q3 2020 earnings, Lisah Burhan, Clorox’s vice-president of investor relations, spoke about Clorox’s positive earnings report. Clorox’s Q3 revenue surged 15% to $1.78 billion.

Clorox stock
Clorox stock is climbing, leading to a slope of hope

“The business had another quarter of double-digit sales growth behind continued elevated demand across the portfolio,” said Burhan.

“While we’ve been able to add significant capacity, demand still far exceeds supply, leading to continued out-of-stocks for many products,” added Burhan.

Clorox’s CEO, Benno Dorer, noted that in Q3 2020, Clorox is still trying to meet demand for its cleaning wipes that were flying off shelves during the quarantine.

“Since Q3, we were able to bring on more than 10 new suppliers to help us maximize our output, not just for disinfecting products, but for other parts of our portfolio too,” said Dorer.

“For disinfecting products, we’re continuing to run our plants 24/7, and we’ll be bringing more disinfecting capacity online in the midterm. With all the levers we’re pulling to expand output, I am confident in our ability to do better for our customers and consumers,” added Dorer.

Analysts rate Clorox stock as a buy

Because of Clorox’s strong sales, many analysts rate Clorox stock as a buy. Linda Bolton Weiser is D.A. Davidson’s senior research analyst. She wrote in a note to clients that the strong demand for Clorox products makes Wall Street go down a slope of hope.

“Clorox continues to chase demand for disinfecting products and is still prioritizing shipments to healthcare facilities, which has caused some stock-outs on retail shelves and therefore share losses,” wrote Bolton Weiser.

2. Proctor & Gamble a stock that takes Wall Street on slope of hope

In addition to Clorox, Proctor & Gamble(NYSE:PG) is another stock that is performing well during the COVID-19 pandemic. The cleaning product company had a profitable Q4 2020 as well. Sales rose 4% to $17.7 billion in Q4 2020. Jon Moeller spoke about the corporation’s positive earnings report.

“Capping a strong year, a very strong April-June quarter. Organic sales up more than 6% on top of the base period, that was up 7%. Volume, pricing and mix each contributed to top line growth. Strong organic sales growth in our two largest markets up 19% in the U.S. and 14% in Greater China,” said Moeller.

Analysts rate P&G stock as a buy

Because of its robust earnings report, analysts rate P& G stock as a buy.

“With momentum behind both pricing and volumes, we believe P&G can still generate mid-single-digit-plus organic sales growth in 2020 despite the challenges presented by COVID-19,” analysts wrote.

“We expect P&G to leverage its improving top-line throughout its P&L, as we believe P&G will be able to drive operating leverage throughout the business (as it has done in the past) and unlock additional cost savings from its productivity programs.”

3. Zoom

Zoom growth drives Wall Street down a slope of hope

It’s hard to imagine a stock that grew more in the last few months than Zoom (NASDAQ: ZM). The videoconferencing company had a whopping 169% growth from last year. In its Q1 2021 earnings report, CEO Eric Yuan spoke about the ubiquity of Zoom as more people worked from home.

Zoom stock
Zoom stock rises leading investors down a slope of hope

“We were humbled by the accelerated adoption of the Zoom platform around the globe in Q1. The COVID-19 crisis has driven higher demand for distributed, face-to-face interactions and collaboration using Zoom. Use cases have grown rapidly as people integrated Zoom into their work, learning, and personal lives,” said Yuan.

“I am proud of our Zoom employees who dedicated themselves to support customers and the global community during this crisis. With their tremendous efforts, we were able to provide high-quality video services to new and existing customers,” added Yuan.

Analysts rate Zoom stock a buy

Because of Zoom’s strong earnings and its success as a growth stock, Needham analyst Richard Valera said that Zoom’s growth was impressive.

“Never have I seen something of that magnitude in my 20 years of covering technology,” said Valera.

Daniel Milan is managing partner of wealth manager Cornerstone Financial Services. He believes that Zoom’s success will continue after the pandemic is over.

“Companies want to get folks back into the office and schools long for the in-class experience, but there will now be a strong Zoom component to these businesses,” said Milan.

Zoom is a stock that is performing so well that Wall Street is going down a slope of hope despite bearish tendencies.

4. Amazon leading Wall Street down a slope of hope

One of the best-performing stocks this year is Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN). With many people quarantined, Amazon became a lifeline for ordering household items. Amazon’s shares surged 70% over the past year. The e-commerce company’s Q2 2020 revenue was an impressive $89 million.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos spoke about the results.

Amazon stock
Amazon stock driving the slope of hope

“This was another highly unusual quarter, and I couldn’t be more proud of and grateful to our employees around the globe,” said Bezos said in a statement. 

“We’ve created over 175,000 new jobs since March and are in the process of bringing 125,000 of these employees into regular, full-time positions. And third-party sales again grew faster this quarter than Amazon’s first-party sales. Lastly, even in this unpredictable time, we injected significant money into the economy this quarter, investing over $9 billion in capital projects, including fulfillment, transportation, and AWS,” added Bezos.

Is Amazon stock a buy?

With Amazon’s strong Q2 2020 earnings, many analysts rate Amazon stock as a buy. K.C. Ma is president of KCM Asset Management and is a finance professor at the University of West Florida. He rates the stock as a buy for investors.

“The strong gains in ad, cloud and international margins may help offset the free one-day shipping for Prime,” he says. Long-term trends of cloud consumption should “propel (Amazon Web Services’) revenue even higher,” said Ma.

“With further economies of scale at AWS, likely continued strong growth in digital advertising and an increasingly predominant growing e-commerce base of third-party sellers, Amazon seems to us well-positioned to further prosecute its strategic mix shifts toward higher-margin businesses in 2020,” added Ma.

Mike Bailey is director of research with FBB Capital Partners. He notes that Amazon stock has the potential to grow with more advertising.

“Despite the run in Amazon shares, our sense is investors have yet to fully price in the potential upside from Amazon’s entry into the advertising business, which is growing quickly but currently is only a fraction of the size of Facebook and Google,” said Bailey.

Amazon’s stellar performance this year has led Wall Street down a slope of hope that the bear market is officially over.

5. Tesla

In addition to tech stocks, Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) is a stock that is rocketing up during the COVID-19 pandemic. The electric car company is now the most valuable car company in the world. Tesla had an impressive Q2 2020. The corporation reported $ 6 billion in revenue and turned a profit. The automaker spoke in a statement about the results.

“Our operating profit improved in Q2 despite challenging circumstances. Positive impacts included lower operating costs due to a temporary reduction in employee compensation expense, a sequential increase in regulatory credit revenue and deferred revenue recognition of $48M related to a Full Self Driving (FSD) feature release,” said Tesla.

Tesla stock
Tesla stock is leading investors down a slope of hope

“These positive contributions were offset by significant costs related to factory shutdowns, as well as a sequential increase in non-cash SBC expense primarily attributable to $101M related to 2018 CEO award milestones,” added Tesla.

Tesla stock soars after stock split

The company’s stock continued to soar after a recent five-for-one stock split.

“Tesla, Inc. (“Tesla”) announced today that the Board of Directors has approved and declared a five-for-one split of Tesla’s common stock in the form of a stock dividend to make stock ownership more accessible to employees and investors,” said Tesla.

Since making the decision, Tesla stock jumped 30%. The electric car company continues to be one of the best-performing stocks of the year.

Analysts bullish on Tesla stock as Wall Street goes down slope of hope

Cowen analyst Jeffrey Osborne is bullish on Tesla stock despite the controversies with founder Elon Musk. Osborne spoke about how Tesla is a buy because electric cars are becoming more popular.

“We[Cowen] continue to be cautious on Tesla, but anything EV related is red-hot for investors now and there is a scarcity of ways to invest in the theme, thus we see the stock continuing to ‘work’ near-term despite our caution on competitive positioning over time and valuation,” wrote Osborne in a note to clients.

Wedbush’s Dan Ives also rates Tesla stock as a buy. He thinks that Tesla’s widely available electric car battery will raise Tesla’s stock even more.

“We[Wedbush] continue to believe [electric vehicle] demand in China is starting to accelerate in July/August with Tesla competing with a number of domestic and international competitors for market share with Giga 3 remaining the linchpin of success which remains the prize that [Chief Executive Elon] Musk and Tesla are laser-focused on capturing,” wrote Ives in a research note.

Tesla is a stock that has shown enormous growth and is leading Wall Street down a slope of hope.

6. Moderna

In addition to tech stocks, pharmaceutical stocks are performing well during the new bull market, like Moderna (NYSE: MDMA). The stock appreciated over 200% this year. Moderna received $1.525 billion from the government to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. CEO Stephane Bancel spoke about the deal.

“We appreciate the confidence of the U.S. government in our mRNA vaccine platform and the continued support,” said Bancel. 

Moderna leads investors on slope of hope with robust Q2 2020 earnings

Along with the coronavirus vaccine, Moderna’s Q2 2020 earnings were impressive. Moderna’s chief financial officer, David Meline spoke about the company’s $66.35 million revenue.

“We ended Q2 2020 with cash and investments of $3.1 billion, compared to $1.7 billion at the end of Q1. The increase is driven by the capital raise in May of this year. Net cash used in operating activities was $130 million for the first half of 2020, compared to $253 million in 2019,” said Meline.

Moderna a buy to many financial experts

Because of Moderna’s strong earnings and potential COVID-19 vaccine, analysts led by Geulah Livshits see Moderna as a buy for investors.  

“We now await visibility on what agreements with other countries might look like but see the news as a positive signal re: Moderna’s potential entry into a commercial space often dominated by big-cap,” wrote Geulah Livshits in a note.

Danielle Shay is director of options at Simpler Trading. She advises traders to invest in Moderna stock.

“If you’re a little bit more of an aggressive trader and like to trade on more of an intraday basis, [stocks] like Moderna look absolutely amazing,” said Shay.

Moderna is a strong pharmaceutical stock that leads Wall Street down a slope of hope.

7. Gilead

Another pharmaceutical stock that’s soaring is Gilead (NYSE: GILD). In addition to Moderna, Gilead’s COVID-19 treatment, remdesivir, is in the trial stages. Gilead recently partnered with another pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer, to manufacture the drug. Gilead’s CEO Albert Bourla spoke about the deal in a statement.

“From the beginning it was clear that no one company or innovation would be able to bring an end to the COVID-19 crisis. Pfizer’s agreement with Gilead is an excellent example of members of the innovation ecosystem working together to deliver medical solutions,” said Bourla.

Gilead stock
Gilead stock led investors on a slope of hope

“Together, we are more powerful than alone. As one of the largest manufacturers of vaccines, biologics and sterile injectables, it is a privilege to offer our expertise and infrastructure to help fight this pandemic. In that spirit, we are pleased that Gilead is using our manufacturing capacity to help facilitate supply of this medicine to patients as quickly as possible,” added Bourla.

Gilead’s Q2 2020 has strong earnings report

With the potential for remdesivir to be a COVID-19 vaccine, Gilead had a mostly positive Q2 2020. Total revenue for the second quarter was $5.1 billion with earnings per share of $1.11. CEO Daniel O’Day spoke about how remdesivir will be priced.

“We price remdesivir well below the value it provides to enable access at this critical time and ensure that we continue to meet our responsibilities in the future with further investment in remdesivir and in research that will help us to prepare for any future pandemics. The extensive clinical development work continues on remdesivir, so that we can potentially extend the treatment to many more patient groups,” said O’Day.

Because of its promising COVID-19 vaccine, Gilead is a strong stock that will lead investors on a slope of hope.

8. Target rise sends Wall Street on a slope of hope

During the pandemic, online shopping has boomed and Target(NYSE:TGT) benefited from that growth. The store chain’s stock climbed 37% in the last few months. In addition to online shopping, in-store sales and curbside pick-up also jumped in the last few months.

Target has record Q2 2020 growth

Target’s Q2 2020 revenue topped $23 billion, a 24% surge. CEO Brian Cornell spoke about the phenomenal results.

Target stock
Target stock leads investors down a slope of hope

“The results we reported this morning are truly unprecedented. On the top line, we delivered second-quarter comparable sales growth of 24.3%, the strongest we’ve ever reported. Equally remarkable on the bottom line, we generated adjusted EPS of $3.38, a new record high,” said Cornell.

Target a buy to top financial experts

Because of Target’s excellent Q2 2020 report, retail experts like Neil Saunders rate Target stock a buy in a note to clients. As managing director of GlobalData Retail, he’s impressed by the company’s record-breaking quarter.

“The basic point is that Target has developed a proposition that is cohesive which means its guests will happily shop multiple categories allowing Target to maximize its share of wallet,” wrote Saunders.

“This has always been beneficial, but it came into its own at a time when consumers have been reducing the number of shopping excursions that they make. Target’s position also stands in contrast to some of its competitors, such as Walmart, which is far less able to get people to shop across multiple departments,” added Saunders.

Raymond James is also bullish on Target stock. The financial analysis firm believes Target’s robust sales make the stock a buy for investors.

“We believe the company was able to take a significant amount of share during the quarter, which bolsters our long-term view for a large share opportunity,” wrote Raymond James in a note to clients.

Evercore analyst Greg Melich also said Target stock is a buy because of its blockbuster sales online and in stores.

“Target’s digital offer is working in tandem with their fleet of 1,900 stores and shows that the multichannel mojo is a strategic positive in the battle vs. Amazon and Walmart,” said Melich.

With Target’s strong brick-and-mortar and online sales rising, the chain’s stock is leading investors down a slope of hope.

9. PayPal

In the middle of COVID-19, digital payments have become pivotal. PayPal (NYSE:PYPL) stock skyrocketed 78% over the past year. CEO Dan Schulman spoke to CNBC about the digital payment company’s growth.

“Across every industry, we’re seeing this surge towards a digital-first strategy, and all of the tools and products and services that we offer are probably more relevant and important across multiple industries than they’ve ever been before,” said Schulman.

PayPal growth drives Wall Street down a slope of hope

Because of the recent surge in digital payments, PayPal’s Q2 2020 earnings were better-than-expected. Schulman spoke about the results.

“In the midst of the COVID pandemic, we have seen substantial macro changes that we believe will have a lasting and profoundly positive impact on our business. The world has accelerated from physical to digital across multiple industries including retail. Merchants are embracing a digital-first strategy, and these trends have fueled the rapid rise of digital payments,” said Schulman.

“Revenues grew by 25% on an FX-neutral basis to $5.26 billion, accelerating after our strong 20% revenue growth in April. This is the first time our quarterly revenues have exceeded $5 billion,” added Schulman.

PayPal a buy to financial experts

As a result of PayPal’s successful Q2 2020 results, Goldman Sachs is bullish on the company’s stock.

“Given increased digital adoption over the last couple of months, convenience offered by these platforms amid the pandemic, and a large number of retailer store closures & bankruptcies, the shift to online could remain elevated over the coming quarters,” said Goldman Sachs.

PayPal’s growth during the pandemic is leading the stock market down a slope of hope to end the bear market.

10. UPS

As a result of COVID-19’s quarantine, UPS (NYSE:UPS) stock has soared with an increase in home deliveries. The package delivery company had revenue increase to $20.5 billion, a 13% jump from Q2 2019. CEO Carol Tomé spoke about the results.

“Our results were better than we expected, driven in part by the changes in demand that emerged from the pandemic, including a surge in residential volume, COVID-19 related healthcare shipments and strong outbound demand from Asia,” said Tomé.

“UPSers are keeping the world moving during this time of need and I want to thank our team for their hard work and outstanding efforts to serve our customers, our communities and each other,” added the CEO.

UPS a buy because of more deliveries in quarantine

Because of UPS’ increase in deliveries and profits, Bernstein analyst David Vernon rates the stock as a buy.

“E-commerce parcel pricing is expected to remain strong as the pull forward of e-commerce penetration has strained delivery capacity,” wrote Vernon in a research note. “With UPS looking to get ‘better, not bigger,’ FDX [FedEx]emphasizing returns and the [U.S. Postal Service] curtailing capacity, the rate environment at present is outstanding.”

BofA Securities analyst Ken Hoexter also is bullish on UPS stock.

“Given that UPS provides both a critical and difficult-to-replace service for many of its customers, we believe this strategy shift could drive a multi-year tailwind for financial results,” wrote Hoexter in a note to clients.

Slope of hope leads investors into new bull market

With the success of the previously mentioned stocks, Wall Street is going down a slope of hope. After the end of the shortest bear market, investors can feel confident that they’re trading stocks in a new bull market. With TradingSim blogs and charts, traders can determine when the stock market will slide down a slope of hope into a long-term rally.

There are many advantages to start investing early in life. If an investor builds their portfolios in their 20’s or even 30’s, they can start wealth creation sooner. This TradingSim article will explain to investors the top 7 reasons to build a portfolio even if they’re new to investing in stocks.

Why do people put off investing?

The recent bear market has scared people from investing in the stock market. The recent headlines about the economic downturn could make people hesitant to invest. However, investing can be the best way to build wealth during a turbulent time in the stock market. Kelly Welch, wealth advisor at Girard, advises people to start investing early regardless of the current economic uncertainty.

“Timewise, you may wait for the market to settle down, but no one knows when or if this will happen with any certainty. But if you sit on the sidelines, you’re not in the game,” said Welch.

Here are seven reasons that starting investing early can be beneficial for wealth creation.

1. Starting investing early gives people time to build wealth

When people start investing early, they have extra time to wait out the volatility of the stock market. Financial expert Suze Orman says that new traders should invest in the VTI (Vanguard Total Stock Market) ETF. When investing in stocks vs. ETFs, ETFs, or exchange-traded funds can be a safer option for new investors.

“When the time is right, I would be dollar-cost averaging every single month with a specific sum of money into the ETF with the symbol VTI. And do it at a discount brokerage firm where there are no commissions whatsoever,” said Orman.

Staring investing early in ETFs can help build wealth

She recommends dollar-cost averaging for investing early. In dollar-cost averaging, investors put a set amount of money into a stock for a long period of time. Starting investing early with a set amount of money each month can help build wealth sooner.

Orman also recommends saving money when investors are younger. She contends that if investors start investing early, they won’t have to play invest more money when they’re older.

“I would much rather see you invest a specific amount of money when you are young, a lesser amount of money, than waiting and have to invest five or six times [as much] when you are older,” said Orman.

Orman also said that it doesn’t matter how much an investor puts in the stock market as long as they start early.

“The key isn’t the amount, the key is the time,” said Orman.

Compound interest helps increase profits

Compound Interest

In investing, compound interest is a key reason to start investing early. By investing early, an investor can increase profits over the long run.

Albert Einstein noted that “ Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it… he who doesn’t … pays it.” Compound interest is the interest added to an investment’s initial capital and interest that accrued over prior periods.

Here are two examples of how investing early can pay off and increase compound interest.

Malcolm starts investing in a retirement account at 28 with a 7% annual rate of return. He invests $5,000 a year until he retires at 58. After 30 years, he has $150,000 in his account.

Janelle starts investing early at 18 in the same retirement account with the same 7% rate of return. She invests the $5,000 a year also until she retires at 58. After 40 years, she’s accumulated $200,000.

Because Janelle started investing early and kept faithfully setting money aside, she gained more income in retirement than Malcolm. While investments are volatile, a slow and steady investment can help to increase income regardless of what happens in the stock market.

Starting to invest early can help young people meet financial goals

If investors start in their 20s, they can take a small amount of money and make it grow. Anthony Pellegrino, founder of Goldstone Financial Group, notes that starting to invest early can even lead to an early retirement.

“The consequence of waiting to invest is significant”If you start investing when you’re 22 and average an 8% rate of return, you can save as little as 12% of your salary, including an employer match, and be ready to retire by the time you’re 62,” said Pellegrino.

When investors start investing early in their 20’s, they can reach financial goals other than retirement. Even if an investor wants to buy a home, investment income at an early age can help a trader reach that goal quickly. Daniel Hill, president of Hill Wealth Strategies, said putting money aside early can help investors achieve their goals.

“Typical thinking at this age is to wait, simply because they have time. While having time is true, I discourage my 20-something clients from waiting because the sooner they begin saving, the sooner they can obtain their financial goals,” said Hill.

“Shorter-term goals, like building a safety net or setting aside a down payment for your first home, should be invested more conservatively,”  added Hill.

2. Investing early leads to automatic savings

Dollar-cost averaging and starting investing early can start with retirement accounts like 401ks. Robert Farrington, founder of College Investor, noted that automatic saving through is a great way to start investing early.

“The easiest way to get started investing is to do it automatically, just like a 401k. If you want to contribute the max to your Roth IRA each year, set up direct deposit from your paycheck to automatically deposit $192.30 (if paid bi-weekly) into your IRA account. Most brokers offer this option, but you can simply ask for the broker’s routing number and then your account number,” said Farrington.

Regular 401K contributions help build wealth


Graham Williams is the co-founder of Optimist Retirement Group and a financial expert. He advocates matching a 401k contribution from an employer to gain the most income from investments.

“Maximize your tax-deferred, employer-matched investment options first before investing in other options. The combination of dollar-cost averaging, tax savings and a potential employer match creates the ultimate compound interest machine,” said Williams.

If investors want to start investing early in a passive way, contributing to a 401k or other kind of retirement account is key.

Starting to invest early can involve picking value stocks like IBM

Divam Mehta is a certified financial planner with Mehta Financial Group. He advocates that investors start investing early, no matter how little the amount.

The idea is to just get started,” Mehta says. “Allocate a fixed amount that will automatically be invested into an investment account from a checking account. Make it part of the monthly budget.”

3. It’s never been easier to start investing early

With trading apps like Robinhood, it’s never been easier to invest. If new investors are unsure of where to begin, they can start with value stocks with reliable returns. Robinhood co-CEO Baiju Bhatt notes that the app has made it convenient to start investing early.

“It’s really more convenient for people to have one app on their phone that is the go-to for that activity.  We see an opportunity as we add more services and features to Robinhood to really be on that one app for all customers’ finances,” said Bhatt. 

With investing apps, Bhatt feels early investors can feel that they are more in control of their finances.

“We’ve seen a major paradigm shift for broader financial services. People that previously didn’t feel like the markets were for them are for the first time feeling a sense of inclusivity,” said Bhatt.

With the stock market crash of March, many traders felt it was a good time to buy the dip and purchase stocks at rock-bottom prices. There was also an increase in early investing because of the government stimulus checks that were issued this past spring.

Tim Welsh, founder and CEO of wealth management consulting firm Nexus Strategy, also notes that the increased government income helped new investors. He also noted that Robinhood and other trading apps lowered the barrier of entry to making investments.

“The access to trading, there are no barriers to entry anymore, its on your phone, you can buy whatever you want, fractional shares are available so if you can’t pony up $1,400 to buy one share of Google you can still own the FANG stocks,” said Welsh. 

Financial experts notes growth of trading apps in starting investing early

Citi chief U.S. equity strategist Tobias Levkovich wrote in a note to clients that there was an increase in “new investors who sense a generational-buying moment but do not have much background in the equity space.”

Levkovich also wrote about traders started investing early in tech stocks like Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL).

Apple stock is a key tech stock for traders who start investing early

“We have heard anecdotally about younger individuals with less market experience viewing the March plunge as a unique time to start portfolios and often crowding into the tech arena, purchasing the stocks whose services or products they know and use,” wrote Levkovich.

Acorns lets people use spare change to start investing early

In addition to stock trading apps like Robinhood, Acorn is another app that lets people start investing early. In contrast to Robinhood offering stocks to trade in a volatile stock market, Acorns takes a more subtle approach. For people who want to start investing early, they can take as much little as a dollar a month to micro-invest in ETFs. New investors can even take spare change from purchases to invest in the stock market.

Noah Kerner, CEO of Acorns, noted that it’s important for young people to start investing early and to learn from the current economic downturn.

“Take in what’s happening right now, and don’t forget it. When the dot-com bubble happened … and when the Great Recession happened in 2008, everybody felt it. And everybody said the same things: ‘This is unprecedented. I’m never going to forget this moment. ‘And then time passes and people forget,” said Kerner.

Kerner also wants new investors to buy stocks while they’re at affordable prices.

“When there’s a sale in fashion, people go and buy things. When the market is on sale for 30% to 35%, that’s when you get in,” said Kerner.

Kerner also advises people who start investing early to set aside money consistently.

“Invest regularly. No matter what, even if it’s a very small amount, try to keep going. That’s why we focus on spare change. Just try to do a little bit so that you can keep the momentum going and you can keep benefiting from compounding,” said Kerner.

Stash another app that enables early investing

Stash is another app that lets people micro-invest to start investing early. A Stash spokesperson spoke about the company’s mission to help people who are starting investing early.

“The intention was, and continues to be, focused on customer growth, brand awareness, and to help reach more Americans who need our help in creating a better life, no matter their network or net worth,” said the Stash spokesperson.

Brandon Krieg, Stash’s co-founder and CEO said in a statement that Stash wants to help people who want to start investing early.

“We are very fortunate to bring together world-class investors, to help accelerate Stash’s goal of bringing digital banking, investing plus financial education and advice to the millions of middle-class Americans working hard every day to make ends meet,” said Krieg.

“This massive group has attempted to make financial progress within a system that simply does not serve their best interests or meet their needs. It’s time for them to reconsider the current financial servicing industry as the ‘status-quo’ and take control of their financial life with the customer-obsessed solutions we provide at Stash,” added Krieg.

Stash’s success leads to partnerships with large-scale investors

Because Stash has increased its customer base, it’s partnered with Lending Tree to help people start investing early. Lending Tree CEO Doug Lebda, Founder and CEO of LendingTree, touted its partnership with Stash.

“Stash’s mission to help Americans achieve financial progress is complementary to ours in every way, and we’ve been impressed with Stash’s speed of execution and commitment to positive customer outcomes,” said Lebda.

“The focus on meaningful financial progress is so relevant, especially in today’s economic environment which has only been amplified by the current pandemic. Giving customers a way to make real strides in achieving financial security is incredibly powerful to our combined missions.”

Robinhood, Acorn, and Stash are just some of the apps that make it easier for people to start investing early.

4. Starting to invest early can lead to better risk management

If investors start investing early, they can handle the risks of investing better. While younger investors shouldn’t buy stocks without thorough research, stocks that are popular growth stocks with potential can be lucrative.

Since young investors are buying stocks on Robinhood, CNBC’s Jim Cramer approves of some of the risks that they are taking. He especially thinks it makes sense to start investing early in stocks like Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) if people are financially able to pick the stock.

Tesla is a top stock for Robinhood traders who start investing early

“If you’re a younger investor, it makes a ton of sense to bet on the only car company that’s so popular it doesn’t need to advertise,” said Cramer.

Starting investing early can pay off if they buy cheap or relevant stocks

Cramer also approves of early investors buying stocks when their prices tumble, like American Airlines (NYSE:AA). Buying stocks when they are cheap can pay off if the stocks eventually rebound.

“This is another one where I get the temptation. The stock’s down close to 70% from its highs. It’s a big bounce-back candidate if the government bails out the industry — and we always bail out the air industry,” said Cramer.

In the wake of COVID-19, many young investors also poured money into pharmaceutical stocks. One investor, Rodney Henderson, invested in medical stocks because of the potential of drugs to treat the coronavirus.

“While the coronavirus was happening, I think the biggest uptrend in stocks that was going on was in pharma. A lot of companies that are going to improve our lives after the coronavirus,” said Henderson.

Drugs like Moderna could potentially be a treatment for COVID-19. Because of the experimental vaccine’s potential, Jefferies analyst Michael Yee said the stock is a buy for new investors.

He said the valuation of Moderna could be “$35B[billion] on MRNA[Moderna] if it does have a novel mRNA platform that generated a COVID vaccine in less than a year would be worthy of praise, in our view”.

“We believe the[Wall] Street will be surprised to the upside if the Covid-19 vaccine works, gets approved by early 2021, and there are multi-billion dollars of purchase orders from USA and around the world,” added Yee.

When starting investing early, investors can pick stocks with more volatility. They can take more risks because they will have more time to recover any losses.

5. Starting to invest with established stocks can lead to more income

If starting to invest early, trusted tech stocks are a strong option. Lindsey Bell, chief investment strategist at Ally Invest, advises people who start investing early to pick stocks that they’re familiar with, like Google (NASDAQ:GOOG).

Google is a well-known stock for people who start to invest early

“If you’ve never invested in the market before, you should ease into it. You’ll need to get used to it before you feel comfortable with the up and down swings the market can make. Invest in something you understand,”  said Bell.

Citi’s main U.S. equity strategist Tobias Levkovich noted that many young investors are buying tech stocks that they know. They have been purchasing the stocks since the quarantine.

“We have heard anecdotally about younger individuals with less market experience viewing the March plunge as a unique time to start portfolios and often crowding into the tech arena, purchasing the stocks whose services or products they know and use,” said Levkovich.

Financial experts advise people to do research before starting investing early

Many financial analysts advise people to conduct research on companies before starting to invest early. John Paul Engel is president of Knowledge Business Consulting. He wants investors to invest in companies that have strong profits and balance sheets.

“Look for a company out of favor that has significant assets, not on its balance sheet. For example, a company with a lot of patents, or a company with a lot of real estate,” said Engle.

“Also before everything else I always consider the management of a company. If the team has a history of success chances are good they will be successful in the future,” added Engle.

Diversified portfolio pivotal to start investing early

In addition to investing in stocks, financial experts advocate having a diversified portfolio. When starting to invest early, people should choose a wide variety of stocks to build their portfolios. Rob Cavallero, chief product officer at RobustWealth, said young investors should invest in a variety of stocks.

“One big mistake to avoid as a 20-something investor is holding concentrated positions in trendy investments. During the dot-com bubble, investors chased expensive internet stocks, and a lot of people got hurt. Stick with a diversified portfolio of low-cost funds invested in conventional asset classes, at least initially,” said Cavallero.

Amin Dabit is a certified financial planner. He advocates people who start investing early have a mixture of stocks and bonds in different industries. Dabit says a diversified portfolio will help shield new investors from large losses.

“During a bull market, it can be easy to forget that the market delights in surprises. The best safeguard against market cycles, while still benefiting from the upside, is through committing to a well-diversified portfolio and long-term focus,” said Dabit.

What should new investors have in a diversified portfolio?

While there is no set age, there should usually be an allotment of assets investors should add based on age. For younger people ready to start investing, there is a certain percentage favored by Dan Egan, a financial advisor. Egan is Betterment’s director of behavioral finance and he recommends they predominately invest in stocks and some bonds.

“For long term goals, those with time horizons over 20 years or more, we recommend setting your portfolio to 90% stocks and 10% bonds,” said Egan.

Lacey Cobb, director of portfolio management at Personal Capital, wants people to start investing early with a large portfolio of a wide variety of stocks.

“A good rule of thumb is to own at least 30 stocks. We also generally suggest people avoid allocating more than 4% of their portfolio to any single stock,” sais Cobb.

Example of Walt Disney Stock with earnings of $1.62
Disney stock is a top established stock to start investing early

Egan also advises investors to diversify their portfolios with international stocks to possibly increase returns.

“It’s important to include international stocks in order to benefit from growth overseas, especially when it happens while the U.S. stagnates,” said Egan.

“While the U.S. stock market currently makes up approximately 50% of total market capitalization, international stocks and bonds are playing an increasingly large role in portfolio investing as more and more economies grow to maturity around the globe,” added Egan.

BetaShares CEO Alex Vynokur said that if new investors want to take risks, they can focus on stocks in two specific industries.

“If you want growth, up to half of your equities portfolio should be invested in growth opportunities, and this means technology, where opportunities can be found in a combination of global technology leaders. I also think a growth portfolio can include investments in other sectors, such as healthcare,” said Vynokur.

By starting investing early in established value stocks and a diversified portfolio, investors can have a good start to their portfolios.

6. Starting to invest early leads to patience and profits

When starting to invest early, new investors can learn that patience can pay off. Andy Garrison, senior wealth advisor with Mariner Wealth Advisors says it’s crucial to invest now so people can have less financial stress late on in life.

“Don’t waste time trying to pick the next Apple; just get money invested. The big picture is if you start investing now, you may be able to work a lot less over your life because you’re letting your money do the heavy lifting over time,” said Garrison.

“Treat your investment account like an angsty teenager that needs some time and space to grow. It might act up from time to time, but in the end, it’ll all work out,” added Garrison.

Investing early means that you don’t have to time the market

When investing early, many people want to try to outsmart the market to try to make a bigger profit. However, it’s unwise to try to time the market and guess what will happen next to get short-term gains.

Tyler Gray is a financial advisor at SageOak Financial. He advises against trying to outsmart the markets and to choose stocks based on long-term returns.

Starting to invest early shouldn’t involve timing the market

“Don’t try to time the market — you will not succeed. It is impossible to understand, take into account and predict all of the forces that affect short-term market movements. Instead, stick with winning long-term investments that you carefully and methodically research,” said Gray.

Princeton University professor Burt Malkiel noted it’s impossible to predict what will happen in the stock market.

“Nobody, and I mean nobody, can consistently predict the short-term moves in the stock markets,’ said Malkiel.

Malkiel advises people who start investing early stay in the market for the long-term.

“There’s a lot of people who get it right sometimes. But nobody gets it right consistently. Don’t try to time the market. You will get it wrong. Ride things out. Be well diversified,” added Malkiel.

Millennials saving more as they start investing early

While many think people who start investing early are irresponsible, many millennials are investing and saving more money worldwide. In Australia, BetaShares CEO Alex Vynokur notes that more young people are investing early and saving more money as a result.

“But what we found particularly interesting is seeing a younger demographic buying throughout the crisis – both as the market is falling and also on the way up,” said Vynokur.

“Many are investing either once a week or once a month and it’s been interesting to see how this demographic, which is generally Millennials, are displaying a lot more discipline than people traditionally have given them credit for,” added Vynokur.

Financial experts advise long-term strategy to start investing early

Tim Welsh, president of Nexus Strategy, advocates that investors buy stocks and hold them. He thinks that selling stocks in a panic is not best for people who start investing early. Welsh advocates people who start investing early to have patience with their investments.

“There’s buy and hold for a reason and anyone who’s inexperienced and is just clicking around and buying and selling based on the movements in the markets on a daily basis really have no chance to be successful,” said Welsh.

Philippines-based COL Financial services CEO Dino Bate advises young investors to stay the course when they start investing early.

“Investing in the stock market is really for the long term — it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme where you make money overnight. It’s buying good quality companies that will grow your money as they grow their businesses,” said Bate.

When people start investing early, they can learn to have more discipline and patience to withstand economic volatility and increase their wealth over the long run.

7. Starting to invest early can lead to early retirement

Investing early can have another benefit in a shorter time-an early retirement. With estimates saying that people need $1 million to retire, investing early can help people have more financial freedom.

For some young people, the FIRE( financial independence, retire early) movement is an enticement to start investing early. Many people have found success by making wise investments to retire early.

While the FIRE movement may not a realistic goal of every investor, if investors put extra money into their portfolios sooner, retiring comfortably could be a result.

Starting investing early can help start FIRE

Jackie Cummings Koski is a single mother who retired a millionaire after maxing out her retirement account contributions. While saving or investing half of her income to retire isn’t for everyone, Koski said investing early helped her achieve financial freedom.

“You’re not going to be saving or investing unless in your mind you believe it will make a difference. It may take a while to really get your head around things like me, but it happens, and when it does, it is very, very powerful,” said Koski.  

If investors start investing early in stocks like Microsoft, they can possibly retire earlier

Chris Mamula is a FIRE advocate who says that investing as much as they can if they want to retire early.

“50-50, stock-to-bond portfolio probably won’t work because you have such a long timeframe and need to account for inflation,” said Mamula.

Money expert J.P. Livingston also stresses that starting to invest early is crucial. She also advocates contributing the maximum amount to workers’ 401k’s to build wealth in addition to cutting spending.

“At some point, your money pile grows to a size where focusing on growing your nest egg will have a much more material impact to your net wealth than further reductions on your spending,” said Livingston.

She also said that when investing early, it’s important to pick investments that can gain income in a tax-exempt 401k.

“Ideally, the investments that must actually realize gains and income (for example, selling options, getting dividends that aren’t tax-exempt) should go in the tax-advantaged accounts,” said Livingston.

Investing early can lead to financial security in crises

When people start investing early, they’re able to weather any economic emergency. FIRE advocate Steve Adcock and his wife Courtney investing as much of their income as they could. Because of the increased early investments, the Adcocks were able to have enough saved during the recent recession.

“Since we’ve quit our jobs so early in life, we felt like having the extra cash outside of investments was a great way to reduce risk during recessions and other market collapses,” said Adcock.

“In fact, we lived off of that emergency fund during the COVID-19 market crash in March and April so we didn’t need to sell even a single share of stock to maintain our standard of living,”  added Adcock.

If early investment is a goal, then starting investing early is a must for people who invest in stocks.

Low-cost index funds can help people who start investing early

Many FIRE advocates investing in index funds as a way to passively grow income. When people start investing early and want to retire early, low-cost index funds are a key low-risk investment. Low-cost index funds are mutual funds that usually track the S&P 500. Noted investor Warren Buffett also recommends low-cost index funds for early investors.

“Consistently buy an S&P 500 low-cost index fund. I think it’s the thing that makes the most sense practically all of the time,” said Buffett.

Derek Horstmeyer is an associate professor at George Mason University School of Business. He said that if people start investing early in low-cost index funds, they can be an efficient way to earn more money.

“Index funds are still the best bet in this terrible roller-coaster environment. The single greatest factor in long-run returns for a fund are the fees paid,” said Horstmeyer.

“With index funds now with expense ratios down at close to zero, this is still far better than any actively managed fund. Further, active management notoriously does poorly in volatile periods since they are bad market timers – this is another reason to stick with indexers,” added Horstmeyer.

Starting investing early is key to financial freedom

While starting investing early in this current economy seems risky, it’s actually a safe way to handle money. By putting aside money in stocks, index funds, or 401ks, investors can build a portfolio that can help them have a safe financial haven. With just a small amount to invest, people can start a path to building wealth.

With TradingSim’s blog and access to practice simulated trading strategies, new investors can make the best stock choices for them. When people start investing early with the best information available to them from TradingSim, new investors can begin on their path to financial independence.