Price Action Trading Strategies – 6 Patterns that Work [plus free video tutorial]

Price action trading strategies are dependent solely upon the interpretation of candles, candlestick patterns, support, and resistance, pivot point analysis, Elliott Wave Theory, and chart patterns[1]. It is often confused with Volume and Price Analysis (VPA), where volume is interpreted with the price action to paint a clearer picture of the stock’s story.

In this post, we’ll examine a handful of the best price action strategies and patterns to help you develop your “chart eye”. We’ve also put together a short video to help with some of the advanced concepts we discuss. Please have a watch as a primer for the content below.


Overview of Price Action Charts

When looking at some traders’ charts, it can be difficult to determine if you are looking at a stock chart or hieroglyphics.  When you see a chart with too many indicators and trend lines, it is likely a trader trying to overcompensate for lack of certainty. In other words, they may not understand price action.

Here’s an example of some traders’ charts that look something like the picture below.

Too Many Indicators
Too Many Indicators

There are some traders that will have four or more monitors with charts this busy on each monitor. When you see this sort of setup, you hope at some point the trader will release themselves from this burden of proof.

Every trader has their own style, for sure. But at the end of the day, price is the final arbiter. And it would behoove all traders to learn how to read the tape.

Clean Charts

What if we lived in a world where we just traded price action strategies?  A world where traders picked simplicity over the complex world of technical indicators and automated trading strategies.

When you remove all the clutter from the trades, all that remains is the price.

To see a chart minus all the indicators, take a look at the following image and compare it to the previous one:

Price Action Trading Charts
Price Action Trading Charts

At first glance, it can almost be as intimidating as a chart full of indicators.  Like anything in life, we build dependencies and handicaps from the pain of real-life experiences.  If you have been trading with your favorite indicator for years, going down to a bare chart can be somewhat traumatic.

While price action trading is simplistic in nature, there are various disciplines. As mentioned above, the disciplines can range from Japanese candlestick patterns, support & resistance, pivot point analysis, Elliott Wave Theory, and chart patterns[1].

From here on, we will explore the six best price action trading strategies and what it means to be a price action trader.

Price Action Trading Strategy Basics

Before we dive into the price action trading strategies, you need to understand the four pillars of the price action indicator.

  1. Candlesticks
  2. Bullish Trend
  3. Bearish Trend
  4. Flat Market

If you can recognize and understand these four concepts and how they are related to one another, you’re well on your way.

Pillar 1 – Candlesticks

Candlesticks are the most popular form of charting in today’s trading world. Historically, point and figure charts, line graphs and bar graphs were more important.

Not to make things too open-ended at the start, but you can use the charting method of your choice. There is no hard line here.

However, for the sake of not turning this into a thesis paper, we will focus on candlesticks. The below image gives you the structure of a candlestick. To learn more about candlesticks, please visit this article that goes into detail about specific formations and techniques.

Feel free to download our candlestick reference guide:

Candlestick Pattern Quick Reference Guide

The key point to remember with candlesticks is that each candle is relaying information, and each cluster or grouping of candles is also conveying a message. You have to begin to think of the market in layers.

Pillar 2 – Bullish Trend

This is a simple item to identify on the chart, and as a retail investor, you are likely most familiar with this formation.

A bullish trend develops when there is a grouping of candlesticks that extend up and to the right.

Think of a squiggly line on a 45-degree angle.

Bullish Trend Price Action

The key thing to look for is that as the stock goes on to make a new high, the subsequent retracement should never overlap with the prior high. This ensures the stock is trending and moving in the right direction. In other words, higher highs and higher lows.

Make sense?

Pillar 3 – Bearish Trend

Bearish trends are not fun for most retail traders. Shorting (selling a stock you do not own) is something many new traders are not familiar with or have any interest in doing. However, if you are trading, this is something you will need to learn to be comfortable with doing.

Bearish Trend Price Action

This formation is the opposite of the bullish trend. The trend is right the opposite: lower highs and lower lows.

Pillar 4 – Flat Market

Get ready for this statement, because it is big. In general terms, the market is in a flat trading range approximately 70% [2] of the time according to author Heikin Ashi Trader, which is the pen name of a trader with over 15 years of futures and forex experience.

Rarely will securities trend all day in one direction. You will set your morning range within the first hour, then the rest of the day is just a series of head fakes.

If you can re-imagine the charts in these more abstract terms, it is easy to size up a security’s next move quickly.

Flat Trend Price Action

Flat markets are the ones where you can lose the most money as well. Your expectations and what the market can produce will not be in alignment. When the market is in a tight range, big gains are unlikely. The main thing you need to focus on in tight ranges is to buy low and sell high.

6 Price Action Trading Strategies

#1 – Outside Bar at Support or Resistance

For those unfamiliar with an outside bar, an example of a bullish outside bar is when the low of the current day exceeds the previous day’s low, but the stock rallies and closes above the previous day’s high.

The bearish example of this would be the same setup, just the opposite price action.

Outside down day price action
Outside down day price action

Therefore, it’s not just about finding an outside candlestick and placing a trade.  As you can see in the above chart of NIO, it’s best to find an outside day after a major break of a trend.  In the NIO example, there was an uptrend for almost 3 hours on a 5-minute chart prior to the start of the breakdown.

After the break, NIO finished with an outside down day, which then led to a nice sell-off into the early afternoon.

#2 – Spring at Support

A spring occurs when a stock tests the low of a trading range, only to quickly come back into the range and kick off a new trend. According to Jim Forte, “springs, shakeouts, and tests usually occur late within the trading range and allow the market and its dominant players to make a definitive test of available supply before a markup campaign will unfold.”[efn_note][/efn_note].

Volume can help when confirming a spring; however, the focus of this article is to explore price action trading strategies, so we will zone in on the candlesticks alone.

The one common misinterpretation of springs among traders is the need to wait for the last swing low to be breached.  Just to be clear, a spring can occur if the stock comes within 1% to 2% of the swing low.

Trading setups rarely fit your exact requirement, so there is no point in obsessing over a few cents.  To illustrate this point, please have a look at the below example of a spring setup.

Spring reversal price action trading strategy
Spring reversal

Notice how the previous low was never completely breached, but you could tell from the price action that the stock reversed nicely off the low. Thus, a long trade was in play.

#3 – Inside Bars after a Breakout

Inside bars occur when you have many candlesticks clumped together as the price action starts to coil into resistance or support.  The candlesticks will fit inside of the high and low of a recent swing point as the dominant traders suppress the stock to accumulate more shares.

In theory, it looks something like this:

Inside bars price action trading strategy

To illustrate a series of inside bars after a breakout, please take a look at the following intraday chart of NIO.

Inside bars price action trading strategy

This chart of NIO is truly unique because the stock had a breakout after the fourth or fifth attempt at busting the high.  Then there were inside bars that refused to give back any of the breakout gains.  NIO then went on to rally the rest of the day.

Please note inside bars can also occur prior to a breakout, which may strengthen the odds the stock will eventually breakthrough resistance.

The other benefit of inside bars is that gives you a clean area of support to place your stops under. This way you are not basing your stop on one indicator or the low of one candlestick.

This is popular strategy, and for good reason. These quick pullbacks often forecast higher price movements.

#4 – Long Wick Candles

The long wick candlestick is another favorite day trading setup. These are often called hammer candles, or shooting stars.

The setup consists of a major gap up or down in the morning, followed by a significant push, which then retreats. This price action produces a long wick. Often times, this price action is likely to be re-tested.

The reason for this is that many traders will enter these positions late, which leaves them all holding the bag upon reversal. Once they are shaken out, the counter pressure will be weak comparatively, and the stock typically goes up again. This usually leads to a push back to the high.

Let’s look at a few examples:

Long wick price action trading example 1
Long wick price action trading example 1
Long wick price action trading example 2
Long wick price action trading example 2

Are you able to see the consistent price action in these charts?

Notice after the long wicks NIO printed a handful of insider bars in either direction before breaking out or breaking down.  After this break, the stock proceeded in the direction of the new trend.

#5 – Measuring Length of Intraday Swings

Have you ever heard the phrase, “history has a habit of repeating itself”?  Well, trading is no different.

As a trader, it’s easy to let your emotions, and more specifically – hope, take over your sense of logic.  We tend to look at a price chart and see riches right before our eyes.

Well, that my friend is not always the reality. Let’s build on this thought.

In the world of trading there are often dominant players that consistently trade very specific securities?

These traders live and breathe their favorite stock.  Given the right level of capitalization, these select traders can also control the price movement of these securities.

Knowing this, what can you do to better understand the price action of securities you are not intimately acquainted with on a daily basis?

A good place to start is by measuring the price swings of prior days.

As you perform your analysis, you will notice common percentage moves will appear right on the chart. For example, you may notice that the last 5 moves of a stock were all 5% to 6%.

If you are swing trading, you may see a range of 18% to 20%.  Bottom line, you shouldn’t expect stocks to all of a sudden double or triple the size of their previous swings.

Sure, the market is limitless and can produce outlier days. However, it’s better to play the odds with the greatest chance versus swinging for the fences.  Over the long haul, slow and steady always wins the race.


To further illustrate this point, let’s go to the charts.

Measure the Swings
Measure the Swings

Notice how NIO over a 2-week period experienced many swings.  However, each swing was on average $1-$2.  While this is a 5-minute view of NIO, you’ll see the same relationship of price on any time frame.

As a trader, do you think it would make sense to expect $5, $10, or $15 dollars of profit on a day trade?  At some point, the stock will make that sort of run, but there will likely be more $1-2 moves before that occurs.

To that point, if you can trade each of these swings successfully, you get the same effect of landing that home run trade without all the risk and headache.

#6 – Little to No Price Retracement

Without going to deep on Fibonacci (we’ve saved that for another post), it can be a useful tool with price action trading. At its simplest form, less retracement is proof positive that the primary trend is strong and likely to continue.

Smaller retracement
Smaller retracement

The key takeaway is you want the retracement to be less than 38.2%.  If so, when the stock attempts to test the previous swing high or low, there is a greater chance the breakout will hold and continue in the direction of the primary trend.

This is especially true once you go beyond the 11 am time frame. This is because breakouts after the morning tend to fail. So, in order to filter out these results, you will want to focus on the stocks that have consistently trended in the right direction with smaller pullbacks.

Using Time to Your Advantage

Trading comes down to who can realize profits from their edge in the market. While it is easy to scroll through charts and see all the winners in hindsight, it is much more difficult in real time. The market is one big game of cat and mouse.

Between the quants and smart money, false setups show up everywhere.

As a price action trader, you cannot rely on other off-chart indicators to provide you clues that a formation is false. However, since you live in the “now” and are reacting to directly what is in front of you, you must have strict rules to know when to get out.

With this in mind, in lieu of a technical indicator, one helpful tool you can use is time.

Just to be clear, the chart formation is always your first signal, but if the charts are unclear, time is always the deciding factor.

On a personal note, in a recent study of all my winning trades, over 85% of them paid in full within 5 minutes.

If you have been trading for a while, go back and take a look at how long it takes for your average winner to play out.

How to Protect Against the Head Fakes (False Setups)

Let’s review a few head fake examples to get a feel for what we are up against in terms of false setups.

In each example, the break of support likely felt like a sure move, only to have your trade validation ripped out from under you in a matter of minutes.


There are many ways you can protect yourself against these head fakes.

For starters, don’t go hog wild with your capital in one position. Make sure you leave yourself enough cushion. This way you don’t get antsy with every bar that prints.

Also, let time play to your favor. There is an urge in this business to act quickly. However, there is some merit in seeing how a stock will trade after hitting a key support or resistance level for a few minutes.

If you think back to the examples we just reviewed, the security bounced back the other way within minutes of raiding stop losses and trapping traders.

Where to Place Your Stops

One thing to consider is placing your stop above or below key levels. Since you are using price as your means to measure the market, these levels are easy to identify.

Another easy way to do this as mentioned previously in this article is to use swing points. A more advanced method is to use daily pivot points.

You are probably thinking, “but this is an indicator.” Well yes and no. Unlike other indicators, pivot points do not move regardless of what happens with the price action. They are essentially support and resistance lines.

So, let’s see how you can use pivot points to avoid getting caught in false signals.

Using pivot points to help with price action trading strategies
Using Pivot Points to avoid false breakdowns

Notice how the price barely peaked below the key pivot point and then rallied back above the resistance level. In order to protect yourself, you can place your stop below the break down level to avoid a blow-up trade.

Another option is to place your stop below the low of the breakout candle. Some traders such as Peters Andrew even recommends placing your stop two pivot points below. [4] This may not work for the risk averse trader, but it can work for some.

This is honestly the most important thing for you to take away from this article – protect your money by using stops. Do not let ego or arrogance get in your way.

Benefits of Price Action Trading

Price action traders are the Zen traders in the active trading world.

These people believe the human brain is more powerful than any machine.

Please do not mistake their Zen state for not having a system. The price action trader can interpret the charts and price action to make their next move.

Processing Data

For starters, there isn’t as much information to process, so you can focus on the chart action.

Secondly, you have no one else to blame for getting caught in a trap. Don’t bother emailing the guru with the proprietary trade signal that had you on the wrong side of the market.

The biggest benefit is that price action traders are processing data as it happens. There is no lag in their process for interpreting trade data.

Chart Patterns

By relying solely on price, you will learn to recognize winning chart patterns. The key is to identify which setups work and to commit yourself to memorizing these setups.

The next key thing for you to do is to track how much the stock moves for and against you. This will allow you to set realistic price objectives for each trade. You will ultimately get to a point where you will be able to not only see the setup but also when to exit the trade.

Some Challenges

Price action traders will need to resist the urge to add additional indicators to your system. You will have to stay away from the latest holy grail indicator that will solve all your problems when you are going through a downturn.

The real challenge is that it’s extremely difficult to trade purely on price. It’s not something you can just pick up and start doing right away.

You need to think about the patterns listed in this article and additional setups you will uncover on your own as stages in your trading career.

First, learn to master one or two setups at a time. Learn how they move and when the setup is likely to fail.

This, my friend, takes time; however, get past this hurdle and you have achieved trading mastery.

To further your research on price action trading, you may want to look into some courses like the ones offered at Wyckoff Analytics.

In Summary

Price action trading strategies can be as simple or as complicated as you make them.  While we have covered 6 common patterns in the market, take a look at your previous trades to see if you can identify tradeable patterns. The key thing for you is getting to a point where you can pinpoint one or two strategies.

To start, focus on the morning setups. The morning is where you are likely to have the most success. Avoid the lunchtime and end of day setups until you are able to turn a profit trading before 11 or 11:30 am.

To test drive trading with price action, please take a look at the Tradingsim platform to see how we can help.

Much Success,


External References

  1. Seo, Yong. (2017). ‘Scientific Guide to Price Action Trading‘. p. 13
  2. Heikin Ashi Trader (2018). ‘How to Trade a Range: The Most Interesting Market in the World‘. DAO Press. p. 7
  3. (2009). ‘Nifty Ready for Mark Up’ [Report]. Prabhudas Lilladher. p. 2
  4. Peters, Andrew. (2010). ‘Trading Pivot Points‘. Fabrefactum. p. 2

The Harami candlestick pattern is usually considered more of a secondary candlestick pattern. These are not as powerful as the formations we went over in our Candlestick Patterns Explained article; nonetheless, they are important when reading price and volume action.

For a detailed webinar on this pattern and many other powerful candlestick patterns, visit our YouTube tutorial by expert Aiman Almansoori

Like other candlestick patterns, the Harami can signal that a reversal may be at hand. This article will focus on these patterns and how to trade them.

What is a Harami candle

When the harami candlestick pattern appears, it depicts a condition in which the market is losing its steam in the prevailing direction. The harami candlestick pattern consists of a small real body that is contained within the preceding large candles’ real body.

The preceding candle tends to be very large in relation to the other candles around it. This is important.

Bullish and bearish Harami Pattern

What does a harami tell us about the condition of the market? During a bullish move, the harami candlestick indicator tells us that strength in the previous candle is dissipating.

Bulls who have made gains in the stock may be taking a breather to either accumulate more shares or sell out of their existing positions. The large preceding candle would signify climactic conditions in that regard.

In order to understand this, compare the Harami candle above against the Three White Soldiers below:

Three White Soldier Candle Pattern

The obvious difference here is follow through versus hesitation after that first bar.

An Exception

While the bias of the harami candlestick pattern indicates a reversal, the appearance of a harami formation in day trading can actually be quite bullish if the highs of the bar prior to the harami are broken to the upside.

This would indicate that there was, in fact, buying going on within the harami bar.

Harami Cross

The harami cross is a more powerful version of the harami. It is characterized by having a very small real body almost to the point of being a doji.

Harami Cross
Harami Cross

The smaller the real body, the better for this formation.

The lack of a real body after a strong move in the prior candle tells us with more certainty that the previous trend is coming to an end and that a reversal may be at hand.

Bulls could not continue the upper hand and bears are putting on heavy selling pressure.

The high or low of a harami cross setup tends to provide resistance or support for any further price moves. Let’s take a look at a simple example that a day trader could have profited handsomely off of.

Harami Cross Example

As you can see, this was a perfect harami cross setup. But the important point was the fact that we saw other candlestick formations confirm what the harami cross was telling us.

Context is everything when interpreting candlestick patterns.

The double top that came in the form of a bearish engulfing candlestick gave us that added confirmation that we really did see a top of some sort.

Later, a triple top came in the form of a shooting star which also led us to believe that we could be in store for yet another pullback.

This is the power of candlesticks and using various methods to confirm each other.

Trading the Harami

Now that we have covered the basics of the harami candlestick pattern, it’s now time to dive into tradeable strategies.  Please note all of the subsequent examples are on a 5-minute time frame, but the rules apply to other time frames just as well.

#1 – Trading Harami with Price Action

Since the harami candlestick pattern is a price action component in itself, we should always include price action analysis in our strategies.

Trading with price action means to rely fully on the price action on the chart. This means: no indicators, no oscillators, no moving averages, etc. You rely solely on chart patterns, candle patterns, support, resistance, and Fibonacci levels.

This is the 5-minute chart of Facebook from Sep 29, 2015. On the chart, you will see many colorful lines illustrating different price action patterns.

Harami + Price Action Trading
Harami + Price Action Trading

The Harami

First, we start with the red circle at the beginning of the chart. This is a 100% Harami candle! Yet, we do not enter the market, because the next set of candles do not validate a reversal.

We get one tiny red candle and the next one is a strong bullish candlestick. However, after the big green candle that follows, we get a second tiny red candle.

Notice how its body is contained by the bigger bullish candle. It is a bearish Harami!


In addition, with the next two red candles we confirm a Three Black Crows candle pattern, shown in the green circle. This is when we sell Facebook short and begin to follow the price action.

Within the orange lines, you will see a consolidation, which looks like a bearish pennant. Suddenly, Facebook’s price breaks the pennant to the downside and thus we continue to hold our short position.

Harami + Price Action Trading
Harami + Price Action Trading

Temporary Resistance

The further decrease in price then creates a bottom, marked with a green line. Then, we see a resistance level develop – the blue line. These are our next support and resistance levels for Facebook.

If the price breaks the support, we hold our position. If the price breaks the resistance, we exit the trade – literally that simple!

The price breaks the green support and we continue holding our short position. The new bottom after the decrease is now marked with a yellow line.

Note that the price retraces to the blue resistance level and then bounces back. Did you notice that we now have two tops on the same line and two bottoms on the same line? This is how we draw our bearish channel.


The price breaks the yellow support in a bearish direction giving us the confidence to hold our short position.

Harami + Price Action Trading
Harami + Price Action Trading

The price then drops to the lower level of the channel and starts to form a bottom. This looks like a regular correction, doesn’t it?

However, the blue lines at the end of the chart show how the price confirms a double bottom pattern. The double bottom is an early indication that price is likely to stabilize and lead to a potential rally.

The Exit

On that token, the next price increase confirms the double bottom pattern and the price closes outside of the downtrend channel, which has held the price down the entire trading day.  At this point, the writing is on the wall and we exit our short position.

This short trade with Facebook brings us a profit of $3.30 per share for about 5 hours of work. What a great trade!

#2 – Trading Harami with a Fast EMA and Fibonacci Levels

This time, we will combine the Harami candle chart pattern with an exponential moving average and Fibonacci levels.

When you spot a Harami candlestick pattern, the key here is to use the moving average to set an entry point.

If the price moves in your favor, follow the retracement with the Fibonacci levels. Similarly, close the position when the price breaks a key Fibonacci support level or when the exponential moving average is broken in the opposite direction of the primary trend.

Harami + Fast EMA + Fibonacci Levels
Harami + Fast EMA + Fibonacci Levels

This is a 5-minute chart of Apple from Nov 19, 2015. I am using a 5-period EMA for this example.

The first black line shows the overall bullish trend. At the top, we spot a bearish Harami candlestick pattern, which leads us to place the Fibonacci levels on the chart.


Two candles later, Apple’s price breaks the 5-period EMA downwards. This is when we go short.

Notice that there is definitely a strong support around the 23.6% Fibonacci level (the shaded red to green area of the chart). However, the price doesn’t close above the EMA with its full body.

For this reason, we hold our trade.

Capitulation and Exit

Eventually, Apple breaks 23.6% and keeps decreasing. A new drop to the 38.2% Fibonacci level appears (the bottom of the green shaded area). This is exactly when we close our position.

The reason for this is that we see a hammer candle after the price touches 38.2%. This gives us a sign to exit the position. Otherwise, we could hold until the price closes above the EMA.

This trade brought us a profit of $.77 cents per share in less than an hour.

#3 – Trading Harami with a Fast Oscillator

Since the Harami is a reversal pattern, we need a way to measure the likelihood of successful signal to reduce the noise. This is where a fast oscillator can be of great assistance in terms of trade validation.

Oscillators Explained

In daytrading, a fast oscillator can give more signals than the slower ones, so focus on these.

If you use the money flow or the price oscillator, the chance to match a Harami with an overbought/oversold signal is minimal. The stochastic oscillator on the other hand is great for trading haramis.

If you have an uptrend and you get a bearish harami candle, try confirming this signal with the stochastic. In this case, you will need an overbought signal from the stochastic.


Once you receive this additional signal, open a trade – a short position in our case. Then you can stay in the market until you get a contrary signal from the oscillator at the other end of the trade.

Let’s now see how this strategy works with the help of the stochastic oscillator:

Harami + Fast Oscillator
Harami + Fast Oscillator

This is the 5-minute chart of Citigroup from Nov 19, 2015.

After a steady price increase, a bearish harami develops which is shown in the green circle on the chart. At the same time, the stochastic at the bottom of the chart has already been in the overbought area for about 7 periods.

This gives us a short signal.

Now that we are short Citigroup, we wait for an opposite signal from the stochastic. 5 periods later, the blue stochastic line hops into the oversold area for a moment.


This is the signal we were waiting for in order to close our trade. We exit the position and collect a profit of $.30 cents per share for 25 minutes of work.

#4 – Trading Harami with Bollinger Bands

In this trading strategy, we will combine the harami with bollinger bands. We will only trade the haramis that form at the outer edges, when the price touches a level of the upper or lower bollinger bands.

Entry & Exit

Once the price touches the upper bollinger band at the same time a harami is formed, open a short position. Likewise, hold the position until the price touches the lower bollinger band.

Harami + Bollinger Bands
Harami + Bollinger Bands

This is the 5-minute chart of IBM from Dec 8, 2015.

The first black arrow shows an increase of IBM and price interaction with the upper bollinger band. In the green circle, you see a bearish harami candle.

This gives us a short signal and we open the trade.

We hold our trade until the price meets the lower bollinger band level –closing our position when the price closes the first bullish candle after touching the lower bollinger band level.

This happens 28 periods later, almost 2 hours after we entered the trade. This trade makes us a total profit of $1.07 per share on IBM.

Which strategy is better?

All four strategies are great for trading candlestick reversal patterns like the harami. Yet, according to our in-house trading expert Al Hill, if he had to pick a strategy, he’d prefer trading haramis with bollinger bands.

“I believe that bollinger bands are likely to give you less false signals and keep you in winning trades longer.”

Al Hill

Price action trading is often insufficient for making a trading decision, as it requires years of experience mastering chart patterns.

The EMA plus Fibonacci strategy is strongly profitable, but sometimes the fast EMA could knock you out of a winning trade relatively early.

Although the stochastics are one of the faster oscillators, it might take forever until you match your candle pattern with an overbought/oversold signal.


One point to note is that these four trading strategies can be used in combination with all other candlestick reversal patterns.

Therefore, candlestick patterns like doji, hammer, inverted hammer, hanging man, shooting star, morning star, evening star, engulfing, etc. will provide you similar trading results as the harami candlestick pattern.

Be sure to read about these candle patterns and download our free cheat sheet.


  • The harami candlestick pattern has trend reversal characteristics.
  • We confirm a harami at the end of a trend when a candle’s body fully contains the size of the next candle.
  • Since a harami is a secondary candle pattern, we need to confirm its signals with additional trading tools.
  • The four strategies covered in this article are applicable to other candlestick reversal patterns.

How to Practice

As with any pattern or strategy in the stock market, it takes time and effort to recognize them in real-time.

We recommend trading in a simulator with at least 20 successful attempts on this reversal pattern before employing real money in the market. The best part is that TradingSim has all the indicators you need to practice this strategy!

Once you have your dataset, you can measure your success. Then you will have confidence to take the trade knowing your ratio of wins to losses.