4 Simple Scalping Trading Strategies and Advanced Techniques

Scalping 101 banner

Today we are going to cover one of the most widely known, but misunderstood strategies – scalp trading, a.k.a scalping. If you like entering and closing trades in a short period of time, then these strategies will definitely suit you best.

We’ll touch on the basics of how to scalp trade, then dive into specific trading examples. At the end, we’ll cover more advanced scalp trading strategies and techniques that will help increase your odds of success.

Scalp Trading Definition

Scalp trading can be one of the most challenging styles of trading to master. It requires unbelievable discipline and trading focus. Despite the trend in high frequency trading these day, scalping has been around for a while.

Traders are usually attracted to scalp trading for the following reasons:

  • less potential exposure to longer-term risk
  • higher frequency trading — you can place up to a hundred trades or more per day
  • ability to fight the greed, since your day trading profit targets are very small
  • a greater number of trading opportunities

The Decimal System

Years ago, when stocks were quoted in fractions, there was a standard spread of 1/16 of a dollar or a “teenie”. This spread allowed scalp traders to buy a stock at the bid and immediately sell at the ask. Hence the teenie presented clear entry and exit levels for scalp traders.

Bucket Shops
1892 Trading Bucket Shops

The scalp trading game took a turn for the worse when the market converted to the decimal system. The decimal system closed the “teenie” often times to within 1 penny for high volume stocks. Overnight, this shifted the strategy for scalp traders.

A scalp trader now had to rely more on instincts, level II quotes, and the time and sales window.

How to Scalp Trade

A scalp trader can look to make money in a variety of ways.

One method is to have a set profit target amount per trade. This profit target should be relative to the price of the security and can range between .1% – .25%.

Another method is to track stocks breaking out to new intra-day highs or lows and utilizing Level II to capture as much profit as possible. This method requires an enormous amount of concentration and flawless order execution.

Level II montage gif
A Level II montage. Source: CenterPoint Securities

Lastly, some scalp traders will follow the news and trade upcoming or current events that can cause increased volatility in a stock.

Winning is Critical

Unlike a number of day trading strategies where you can have a win/loss ratio of less than 50% and still make money, scalp traders must have a high win/loss ratio. This is due to the fact that losing and winning trades are generally equal in size. The necessity of being right is the primary factor scalp trading is such a challenging method of making money in the market.

Now that we have covered the basics of scalping, let’s explore a few scalping strategies you can test for yourself.

Scalp Trading Strategies

Strategy #1 – Pullbacks to the Moving averages

We discuss this in detail in a post on 20 Moving Average Pullbacks. It can be a very lucrative strategy on any time frame.

In a nutshell, it is a scalping strategy that is focused on joining a trend in either direction by jumping into a stock as it pulls back to a popular moving average.

This method has been popularized by legendary traders like Linda Raschke.

The criteria you want to look for in this strategy are as follows:

  1. Strong momentum in either direction
  2. A clear trend
  3. Pause in the trend with constructive/light pullback volume
  4. The ability to enter at the 20 moving average
  5. Reclaim of the prior trend

Here is an example of what this might look like with ticker symbol SGOC.

20 moving average pullback
20 moving average pullback

As you can see, the stock is minding the 20 moving average the entire time, until the top around 11:15. Profits can be taken along the way as you add and sell around a core position.

#2 – Scalp Trading with the Stochastic Oscillator

One of the most attractive ways to scalp the market is by using an oscillator as the indicator leads the price action.

Yes, it sounds pretty simple; however, it is probably one of the hardest trading methodologies to nail down.

Since oscillators are leading indicators, they provide many false signals. The reality is that if you scalp stocks with one oscillator, most likely you are going to accurately predict the price action 50% of the time.

This is literally the equivalent to flipping a coin.

While 50% may prove a profitable ratio for other strategies, when scalping, you need a high win to loss ratio due to the increased commission costs.

Let’s dig a little deeper.


The slow stochastic consists of a lower and an upper level. The lower level is the oversold area and the upper level is the overbought area.

When the two lines of the indicator cross upwards from the lower area, a long signal is triggered. When the two lines of the indicator cross downwards from the upper area, a short signal is generated.

The below image further illustrates these trade signals.

PYPL with Stochastics scalp trades
Stochastic Scalp Trade Strategy

This is the 5-minute chart of Paypal. At the bottom of the chart, we see the stochastic oscillator. The circles on the indicator represent the trade signals.

In this case, we have 4 profitable signals and 6 false signals. The 4 profitable signals generate $16.00 per share of Paypal. However, the losses from the 6 false signals generate a loss of almost $10.00 per share.

You are probably asking yourself, what went wrong?

The bottom line is the stochastic oscillator is not meant to be a standalone indicator.  You need some other form of validation to strengthen the signal before taking a trading opportunity.

#3 – Scalp Trading with Stochastics and Bollinger Bands

In the next trading example, we will combine the stochastic oscillator with Bollinger bands.

We will enter the market only when the stochastic generates a proper overbought or oversold signal that is confirmed by the Bollinger bands.

In order to receive a confirmation from the Bollinger band indicator, we need the price to cross the red moving average in the middle of the indicator. We will stay with each trade until the price touches the opposite Bollinger band level.

Stochastic and Bollinger Band Scalp Strategy

Above is the same 5-minute chart of PYPL. This time, we have included the Bollinger bands on the chart.

Trade Signals

We start with the first signal which is a short trade. Notice that the stochastic generates a bearish signal. Also, the price does break the 20-period moving average on the Bollinger band. Therefore, the signal is good.

The second signal is bullish on the stochastic and we flip long until the price touches the upper Bollinger band.

At the end of this bullish move, we receive a short signal from the stochastics after the price meets the upper level of the Bollinger bands for our third signal. A price decrease occurs, but the moving average of the Bollinger bands isn’t broken to the downside.

We get a series of fake outs, and then the stochastics finally cross a fifth time, this time with confirmation on the bollinger band as well. You may be thinking, but what about that one cross of the median during the chopfest.

You may have take a small loss here depending on whether you took this trade or not. The second signal provided a re-entry in that case.

The third trade provides a short opportunity after the stall at the highs. We have a short signal confirmation and we open a trade.

This lasts until the double bottom reversal long signal.

The stochastic generates a bullish signal and the moving is broken to the upside, therefore we enter a long trade. We hold the trade until the price touches the upper Bollinger band level.

False Signals

As you can see on the chart, there are quite a few false signals in a row.  Talk about a money pit!

The good thing for us is that the price never breaks the middle moving average of the Bollinger band, so we ignore all of the false signals from the stochastic oscillator, except for maybe one.

If we compare the two trading methodologies, we realize that with the Bollinger bands we significantly neutralized all the false signals.


With a $10,000 bankroll with day trading leverage of 1:4, we have a buying power of $40,000. If we then invest 15% of our buying power in each trade ($6,000), below are the results:

First trade: 23 shares x $3 = $70 profit.

Total bankroll: $10,000 + $70 = $10,070.00

Second trade: 23 shares x $2 = $50 profit

Total bankroll: $10,070 + $50 = $10,120.00

Third trade (Stop Out): 23 x -$0.50 = -$11.50 profit

Total bankroll: $10,074.52 – $11.50 = $10,108.50

Fourth trade: 23 shares x $5 = $115 profit

Total bankroll: $10,108.50 + $115 = $10,223.00

Fifth trade: 23 shares x $1 = $23 profit

Total bankroll: $10,223.00 + $23 = $10,246.00

We were able to generate $246.00 of profit with four scalp trades and one stop loss. Each of these trades took between 20 and 25 minutes.

While these trades had larger percentage gains due to the increased volatility in Paypal, the average scalp trade on a 5-minute chart will likely generate a profit between 0.2% to 0.3%.

As you can see, the stochastic oscillator and Bollinger bands complement each other nicely. The stochastic oscillator says “get ready!” and the Bollinger bands say “pull the trigger!”

#4 – Scalp at Support and Resistance

This a very popular strategy that comes from the teachings of Richard D. Wyckoff and his trading range theories. Simply put, you fade the highs and buy the lows.

You really need the following two items (1) low volatility and (2) a trading range.

The low volatility reduces the risk of things going against you sharply when you are first learning to scalp. The trading range provides you a simple method for where to place your entries, stops, and exits.

In the next example, let’s take a look at the S&P Futures E-mini contract to identify scalping opportunities.

Why the E-mini contract? Well, it has low volatility, so you have a lower risk of blowing up your account if you use less leverage and the E-mini presents a number of trading range opportunities throughout the day.

S&P Mini Futures Scalp Trades
E-mini Scalp Trades

Notice how the tight trading range provides numerous scalp trades over a one-day trading period. Later on in this article, we will touch on scalping with Bitcoin, which presents the other side of the coin with high volatility.

To learn more about stops and scalping trading futures contracts, check out this thread from the futures.io community.

Advanced Scalping Techniques

Risk Management when Scalp Trading

We discussed a profitable scalp trading strategy with a relatively high win/loss ratio. We also suggested leveraging 15% of the buying power for each scalp trade. Now we need to explore the management of risk on each trade to your trading portfolio.

Since you are a scalp trader, you aim for lower returns per trade, while shooting for a higher win/loss ratio.

Therefore, your risk per trade should be small, hence your stop loss order should be close to your entry.

To this point, try not to risk more than .1% of your buying power on a trade.

Let’s see how a tight stop would impact the stochastic/Bollinger bands scalp trading strategy.

Example: ORCL

Stop Loss Orders - Scalp Trading
Stop Loss Orders – Scalp Trading

For this example, we had a total of 3 trades.

For the first trade, the stochastic crossed below the overbought area, while at the same time the price crossed below the middle moving average of the Bollinger band.

We shorted Oracle at $39.06 per share, with a stop loss at $39.09, 0.1% above our entry price. The price began decreasing and 14 minutes later, ORCL hit the lower Bollinger band. We exited the trade at 38.95, with a profit of 0.28%.

After hitting the lower Bollinger band, the price started increasing. The stochastic lines crossed upwards out of the oversold area and the price crossed above the middle moving average of the Bollinger band.

We went long on this signal at $39.04. Our stop loss is located at $39.00, 0.1% below the entry price. This trade proved to be a false signal and our stop loss of .1% was triggered 2 minutes after entering the trade.

The third and final signal took over 40 minutes to develop.

After the price crossed above the oversold territory and the price closed above the middle moving average, we opened a long position.

We entered the market at $38.97 per share with a stop loss at $38.93, 0.1% below our entry price.

This time Oracle increased and we closed a profitable trade 2 minutes after entering the market when the price hit the upper Bollinger band, representing a 0.17% price increase.


So, if we had a $10,000 bankroll leveraged to $40,000 buying power, these are the results from a 15% investment per trade:

First Trade: 6,000 x .28% = $16.80 profit.

Total bankroll: 10,000 + 16.80 = $10,016.80

Second Trade: 6,010.08 x -0.1% = $6.01 loss

Total bankroll: 10,016.80 – 6.01 = $10,010.79

Third Trade: 6,006.47 x 0.17% = $10.21 profit

Total bankroll: 10,010.79 + 10.21 = $10,021

These three trades generated a profit equal to $21. The total time spent in each trade was 18 minutes.

Scalp Trading and Commissions

Usually, when you scalp trade you will be involved in many trades during a trading session. Sometimes, scalp traders will trade more than 100 trades per session.

If you look at our above trading results, what is the one thing that could completely expose our theory?

You guessed it right, commissions.

If you have a flat rate of even 5 dollars per trade, this would make the exercise of scalp trading pretty much worthless in our previous examples.

This is why when scalp trading, you need to have a considerable bankroll to account for the cost of doing business.  You are going to find it extremely difficult to grow a small account scalp trading after factoring in commissions and the tax man at the end of the year.

The only thing you will end up doing after thousands of trades is lining your broker’s pocket.

Unlimited Monthly Trading

Just having the ability to place online trades in the late 90s was thought of as a game changer. Now fast forward to 2021 and there are firms popping up offering unlimited trades for free.

So, if you are looking to scalp trade, you will want to give some serious thought to signing up for one of these brokerage firms. Let’s say you place on average 10 trades per day. This would translate to approximately 2,400 day trades per year.

Assuming the average commission per trade is $4, this could run you over $12,000 per year.

Most brokerage firms do this, so you shouldn’t have a hard time finding one.

Focus on Profit to Risk Ratios and Limiting Your Number of Trades

This is going to sound counter to the entire idea of scalp trading.

What comes to mind when you hear scalp trader? You are likely going to think of a trader making 10, 20 or 30 trades per day.

Well, what if scalp trading just speaks to the amount of profits and risk you will allow yourself to be exposed to and not so much the number of trades.

Here is another story that references a study from FXCM [ 1] which showed profitability often came down to trading less. Also, if traders use proper risk-reward expectations – they will make more money over the long run.

So again, as a scalper or a person looking into scalp trading – you might want to think about cutting down on the number of trades and seeking trade opportunities with a greater than 1 to 1 reward to risk ratio.

Competing with the Algos

We can’t get through an article on scalp trading strategy and not touch on the topic of algorithmic trading. 20 years ago, you were trading against other humans.

Now there are open source algo trading programs anyone can grab off the internet. These algorithms are running millions of what-if scenarios in a matter of seconds.

It’s gotten to the point now that large hedge funds have entire quant divisions setup to find these inefficiencies in the market.

This may or may not matter to you and your style of trading. The only point we are trying to make is you need to be aware of how competitive the landscape is out there.

Now we all have to compete with the bots, but the larger the time frame, the less likely you are to be caught up in battling for pennies with machines thousands of times faster than any order you could ever execute.

In the book, Start Day Trading Now: A Quick and Easy Introduction to Making Money While Managing Your Risk, author Michael Sincere, touched on the topics of bots in trading.

Sincere interviewed professional day trader John Kurisko. In the interview Sincere states that Kurisko believes some of the reversals can be blamed on traders using high-speed computers with black-box algorithms scalping for pennies.

That’s one of the reasons many traders get frustrated with the market. The timing is not like it used to be, and many of the old rules don’t work like before,” he says. [2]

Taking Money Out of the Market

This is one positive regarding scalp trading that is often overlooked. In trading, you have to take profits in order to make a living.

This is much harder than it may seem as you are going to need to fight a number of human emotions to accomplish this task.

Well, this is where scalp trading can play a critical role in building the muscle memory of taking profits. Scalp trading requires you to get in and out quickly.

The keyword in that last sentence is out. The better you get at taking profits, the more consistent you’ll become.

Scalp Trading with Bitcoin

Scalp trading did not take long to enter into the world of Bitcoin. Traders in this growing market are forever looking for methods of turning a profit.

To this point, let’s review a few characteristics of Bitcoin that may prove challenging for scalp traders.

  • Bitcoin is really volatile with wild price swings [3]. Therefore, scalp trading will provide a number of trading opportunities, but you will need to adhere to strict stops to avoid getting in a jam.
  • There are many brokerage firms offering 15 to 1 leverage. Some even offer up to 50 to 1 leverage. While this may sound super exciting, in reality, this could expose you to the risk of blowing up your account.

So, as stated throughout this article, you will need to keep your stops tight in order to avoid giving back gains on your scalp trades.


Let’s review a few key points on scalping.

  • Scalp trading involves entering trades for a short period of time to catch swift price moves.
  • If you scalp trade, you need a win/loss ratio greater than 50%.
  • Oscillators could be very useful for your scalp trading system because they are leading indicators; however, oscillators are not meant to be a standalone indicator.
  • Try to find indicators that complement each other so you can validate trade signals.
  • Scalp trading money management is crucial:
    • – Invest around 15% of your buying power in each scalp trade.
    • Put a stop loss of 0.1% from your entry price.
    • Stay in the trades until the price hits the opposite Bollinger band
    • You will usually make between .2% and .3% per trade if you trade lower chart frames.
  • If you scalp on higher chart time frames (5-minute, or more) you targets might be higher.
  • You must have a solid bankroll to scalp trade. Small accounts will be eaten alive by trading commissions.

To practice scalp trading strategies and topics detailed in this article please visit the homepage https://tradingsim.com to see how we can help.

You can also simulate trading commissions to see how different tiers of pricing will impact your overall profitability.

Good luck!

External References

  1. Autochartist. 43 Million Trades Reveal the Secret of Profitable Traders [Blog Post].Autochartist.com
  2. Sincere, Michael. (2011). ‘Start Day Trading Now: A Quick and Easy Introduction to Making Money While Managing Your Risk‘. Simon & Schuster. p. 171
  3. Cheng CFP, Marguerita. (2018). Why Trading in Bitcoin or Other Cryptocurrencies is Playing with Fire [Article]. Kiplinger.com
The One Minute ORB

Most day traders have likely heard of the Opening Range Breakout (ORB) strategy popularized by Toby Crabel in his classic investing book Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakout. In prior posts, we discuss this strategy in detail regarding the popular 5, 15, or 30 minute opening range breakouts. However, the 1 minute ORB is gaining popularity thanks in part to the hyper-scalping techniques of traders like Andrew Aziz from BearBullTraders.com.

In this post, we’ll shed some light on this new take on an old strategy to uncover many of the criteria necessary to make these trades successful.

Before we do, take a look at this quick video as a primer on scanning for the 1 Minute ORB in TradingSim.

What is the 1 Minute ORB?

Essentially, the 1 minute ORB is a long or short strategy that is initiated once a stock breaks the first 1-minute candle of the trading day.

Granted, there are quite a few contextual caveats that must be considered, and which we will cover. But for all intents and purposes, you’ll have but a few seconds to a few minutes to make a decision to enter the stock long or short on this 1-minute candle break.

Here’s a quick visual of what this might look like:

APOP 1 minute ORB
APOP 1 minute ORB

Noticeably, the stock closes above the body of the first 1 minute candle of the morning, and then pushes higher by the third candle of the day.

This can also be replicated to the down side as a shorting strategy.

5 Long Criteria for the 1 Minute ORB

As with any setup, there are usually quite a few criteria that must confirm the trade. Call them signals, if you will. For a long entry, the qualifying criteria for the 1 Minute ORB are as follows:

  1. A decent gap: ideally 2% or more depending on the market cap and price
  2. Good liquidity: you want your orders to fill quickly and efficiently
  3. Clear directional trend: is it choppy or a potential continuation or bigger picture breakout
  4. Support at the open along an important moving average or VWAP
  5. A break of the 1 minute candle body or high/low

Let’s break each one of these down using chart analysis.

1. A Decent Gap

One of Andrew Aziz’s prior examples of a trade he took was APOP. It was an opportunity to play this strategy to the long side. We showed the chart of APOP above, but let’s look at it again and analyze the gap percentage for that particular day.

When looking at the premarket and the daily chart on APOP, we see that it is gapping around 65% by the time the market opens. Despite putting in some major swings in the premarket seen below, the prior close was $3.47 and the current open is $5.68.


This is plenty of gap. In fact, in some cases the gap could be so big that you might expect some resistance off the open. But the 1 minute ORB is a very short-time frame strategy that can give results on just a single candle.

In comparison, the longer time frame 5-minute ORB can often lead to bigger moves. This particular day eventually created a 5-minute ORB, but let’s zero in on the 2nd criteria for identifying the 1 minute ORB, first.

2. Good Liquidity

As Aziz notes in his book Advanced Techniques in Day Trading: A Practical Guide to High Probability Day Trading Strategies and Methods, volume is key. But not just any volume. Here’s how Andrew describes what he’s looking for:

I prefer stocks that have high volume, but also with numerous different orders being traded. If the stock has traded 1 million shares, but those shares were only ten orders of 100,000 shares each, it is not a liquid stock to trade. Volume alone does not show the liquidity; the number of orders being sent to the exchange is as important.

Andrew Aziz

With that in mind, let’s head back to our APOP stock and check out the volume.

Take into account that the daily chart on APOP rarely trades into the millions of shares. However, on this particular morning, whatever the catalyst, APOP was trading millions of shares before 9:30am. There was likely a huge retail and institutional interest on this day.

APOP volume preceding the 1 minute ORB
APOP volume preceding the 1 minute ORB

This gives the confidence that leading into the open, there should be plenty of liquidity to fill a decent size position if needed.

And this leads us to the 3rd criteria of direction.

3. Clear Direction

Notice in the image shared above that APOP has broken out of a consolidation in the premarket and is now trending higher before the bell.

Ideally, you’ll want to see the stock pause here briefly, then continue or start in the same direction once again.

Hindsight is 20/20, but this snapshot gives you the idea of what to look for:

APOP Trend Continuation
APOP Trend Continuation

This, of course, is the ideal situation. However, there may be times when a stock gaps up or down and then reverses course. These can give excellent opportunities to flip your position if the context is right.

But for this particular scenario, APOP did, in fact, continue in the direction of the pre-market gap.

4. VWAP or Moving Average Support

You’ll notice a reddish-orange line in the images we’ve shared of APOP thus far. That line is the VWAP, or Volume Weighted Average Price. If you’re unfamiliar with this indicator, or its usefulness, be sure to check our Ultimate Guide to VWAP.

This line is a rough estimate of where the “average” price of most of the trading has taken place. What’s peculiar about this particular trade with APOP is that the price was trending drastically below this level until the market opened.

After reclaiming this important area around 9:20am, the stock dipped below VWAP at the bell, then reclaimed it by the second bar of the day. This is show by the orange arrow below:

APOP 1 minute ORB vwap
APOP 1 minute ORB vwap

On the same token, APOP found support along one of the more popular moving averages, namely the 20 simple moving average.

20 Moving Average
20 Moving Average

Clearly you can see the stock “surfing” this purple line, and vwap, as it continues along its upward trajectory. Granted, the only opportunity you have to recognize this is the first pullback at 9:32am. The second pullback gave another opportunity for a 5 minute ORB.

For more information on 20 moving average pullbacks, be sure to check out this post.

And now that we have 4 of the 5 criteria met, all we need is for the second or third candle to break the first candle.

5. A 1-Minute Candle Break

Choosing when to enter can be a bit discretionary. After all, we’re talking seconds, and usually the most volatile part of the entire trading day.

To that end, hotkeys can be beneficial for these type of trades. Limit orders may or may not get filled.

It all depends on the size you are trading, the broker, the volatility of the stock, and your quickness.

Regardless of how you choose to place your orders, the generally accepted place to enter is on the close above the first 1 minute candle body or wick. Some traders, like Aziz, will often start in as he feels the stock’s strength or weakness.

You might add as the stock continues in your favor.

Ideally, you’ll want at least a 1/1 risk to reward ratio. And for this, you’ll need to place your stop at the low of the first candle, though Aziz sometimes cuts it sooner if the stock isn’t acting correctly.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how you could play this opening range:

1 Minute ORB entry and stop
1 Minute ORB entry and stop

In this image, you have the low and high of the 1st candle. Then you get an entry signal at the reclaim of vwap as a sign of strength and the ensuing break of the first candle body. Also, note that the candle body coincides with a pivot high from the premarket session drawn on the chart. This could add to any “early entry” criteria you might look for.

Profits can be taken into the strength of the 3rd candle, which set a new high.

Keep in mind this is all happening at a blistering pace.

The alternative would be to wait for the pullback and play a 5 minute ORB. This would have worked on this particular day as the 7th-minute candle broke to new highs.

Another 1 Minute ORB Long Example

Putting all of these criteria together, let’s look at another example of a 1 Minute ORB that worked well.

PBTS had a considerable gap of 35% on this particular day. Volume was well above normal range in the premarket as well. Have a look at the annotations on the chart to get a feel for where you would enter and what to look for.

PBTS 1 Minute ORB
PBTS 1 Minute ORB

You can also put a check mark by trend continuation, vwap support, and a break of the 1st one minute candle.

From the far left of the chart in the premarket, the trend was clearly upward. We then see a tight consolidation into the open and a quick reclaim of vwap on the first candle.

We then get a retest of vwap on lower volume, a bullish sign. Volume then returns pushing us to new highs and continuing the uptrend.

In this instance, even if you had taken the initial entry that broke the 1st candle, you’d still be in play without stopping out below the first candle. Otherwise, the pullback gave a great opportunity to go long or add to that position.

1 Minute ORB Short Example

Just as an Opening Range Breakout can work to the long side, so can an Opening Range Breakdown work to the short side. The great news is that the criteria are basically the same, just mirrored for selling pressure.

To illustrate this, take a look at this daily chart of AMD. On this particular morning, AMD was gapping down considerably below a prior daily support level as shown.

AMD gap down
AMD gap down

And as you can probably tell from the long wick below this candle, the open provided a fantastic opportunity to get short. The question is, was it a 1 minute ORB? It sure was. In fact, it presented with a perfect 3-Bar Play setup as well.

If unfamiliar with candlestick patterns, be sure to check out our tutorial and free cheat sheet.

Zooming in on the 1 minute chart, take a moment and pick apart the 5 criteria we want to look for.

AMD 1 Minute Opening Range Breakdown
AMD 1 Minute Opening Range Breakdown

Sure enough, all 5 of our criteria were taken care of. The gap, the trend continuation, the vwap resistance, a breakdown, and plenty of liquidity. Not bad for a $3.50 move in only 15 minutes!

You may be thinking, but what happens if the stock doesn’t break down? And that’s a great question.

Failed ORBs and Reversals

The lesson wouldn’t be complete without painting a realistic picture of what could happen. To that end, let’s look at a good example of a stock that was about to breakdown, but found support and reversed.

PYPL provides us with a great example of what could happen. Like AMD, it was gapping down on considerable volume on this particular day. Here is the daily chart:

PYPL 3% gap down
PYPL 3% gap down

So our criteria is set for the gap down. We also know that PayPal (PYPL) is an actively traded stock, so there should be no issues with liquidity. What we need to answer, though, is whether the remaining three criteria are being met.

To do that, let’s zoom and see what happens on the 1 minute chart around 9:30am.

PYPL 1 minute ORB
PYPL 1 minute ORB

Immediately we notice that the stock is trying to press lower through the premarket support levels. However, it appears to be struggling to do so. You might say it’s finding strength here at this key level. If it is going to be a proper ORB, it needs to breakdown soon.

The Reversal

Let’s see what happens next.

PYPL 1 minute ORB reversal
PYPL 1 minute ORB reversal

Clearly, PYPL didn’t want to go lower.

Be sure to compare this chart with the AMD example given above. You’ll notice some very specific details in the formation of the candles and the associated volume that will give you clues as to how to anticipate a reversal like this in the heat of the moment.

Now, what this doesn’t mean is that there is no trade to be taken here. In fact, if you are a nimble trader like Andrew Aziz, you may decide to flip your bias and go long. After all, there is still a 1 minute ORB in play, just not in the direction of the prevailing trend.

Andrew has a great video showing how he plays a similar move in PYPL here, so be sure to check that out.

Putting the 1 Minute ORB into Practice

Here at TradingSim, it is our goal to equip you with the tools necessary to become a consistently profitable trader. In order to do that, it requires intentional practice and identifying your edge through simulation.

To that end, we’ve created a scanning tool that will help you identify premarket gappers for each day spanning back for 3 years. You can narrow your results by market cap, float, and many other criteria.

Here is an example of what our scan filter looks like:

TradingSim Scan Filter
TradingSim Scan Filter

Notice we’ve created a filter for this example that has a price minimum of $5, premarket volume above 100k shares, and a premarket gap of at least 2%.

We then order our results by Top Volume, name it, and click save. This sets us up for the results given to us in our “live” replay pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

Scan results on left hand side
Scan results on left hand side

You, the trader, then have the ability to comb through the list looking for the best opportunities to fit your style. And then practice as though it were a real environment!


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