Understanding Stock Float and Its Impact on Stock Price

Stock Float Explained

Stock float is one of the most important metrics that can influence the price of a security. While it can be a confusing term to understand as a beginning trader, it is worth the effort to know. After all, it can mean the difference between big gains and big losses.

Why Stock Float Is Important

The more metrics you have to evaluate a security before trading it, the better. As a rule of thumb, anyway.

Perhaps you won’t be too concerned with a dividend if you’re only looking to day trade a specific stock. You won’t own the stock long enough for the dividend to matter.

But one metric that can dramatically affect a stock’s price movement and volatility, is the float.

Therein lies the importance of this numerical data.

The Role of Insiders

Of the number of shares that are tradable for any given security, those shares are either freely tradeable on the market or insider-owned shares that are locked up. That is, unless the insiders decide to sell more shares, which is another subject in itself.

For the most part, inside shares are owned by the employees of the company they work for. The insider owned shares are not easily tradeable as they come with restrictions. For that reason, the market at large doesn’t bother much about the insider owned shares.

On the other hand, free floating shares are owned and traded by general investors. Investors like you, perhaps.


In many cases, institutions also own a majority of these publicly available shares. These institution-owned stocks are typically held for a long time. Examples of institutions include pension funds or hedge funds.

Because most institutional firms are not actively trading their portfolio every day, this leaves only a remaining portion of the overall shares of a company that are readily tradable.

What Is A Stock Float?

The float of a security measures the total amount of shares that can freely change hands. In many ways, it depicts the liquidity of the market for certain companies.

The more number of shares there are to change hands, the greater the liquidity.

Calculating Stock Float

To better understand “floating stock,” let’s illustrate this with an example.

A company ABC Inc. has 100,000 shares outstanding.

Of the shares outstanding, 5000 are held by its employees, 40,000 shares are held by institutions. The remaining shares are held by regular investors.

From this, the stock float is 55,000. This is the sum of the total outstanding shares minus the shares held by insiders and institutions.

Stock float explanation

As you can see, while the outstanding shares may be as high as 95,000 for this particular hypothetical company, the actual shares available at any given time, may be much lower.

Float Impact

The impact this has on stock prices and volatility can be dramatic. After all, it is supply and demand that dictate the prices of stocks.

To that end, if more and more institutions gobble up the oustanding shares of a company, it takes less and less demand for the price to rocket higher.

Scarcity of shares, as it were.

This is exactly what happens during the early period of a company’s publicly traded life.

Low Float Stocks

A low float stock as the name suggests indicates that the number of shares outstanding are low. For such stocks, the daily and average volume tends to be low. The low volumes of such stocks lead to volatility and as a result, wide bid and ask prices.

Before the company dilutes its value by throwing more shares into the market, the lower float in the beginning can cause its price to skyrocket as long as demand is there.

For such low float stocks, a fundamental driven rally creates demand. In other words, investors are stumbling over themselves to buy shares when they are scarce, driving the price higher in dramatic fashion.

Over The Counter Stocks

There is a myth that low float stocks are mostly stocks on the pink sheet or OTCBB market listings.

However, this is not the case. In some cases you can find some micro-cap stocks with listings on the main exchanges such as the NASDAQ or the NYSE. A stock can also be low float if for some reason the float reduces relative to its usual average.

While the definition is a bit flexible, a stock is considered a low float stock which has fewer than 50-100 million in tradable shares.

High Float Stocks

Stocks with a high float tend to be more predictable and less volatile. For all intents and purposes, you can expect a stock to be a “high float stock” with anything above 100 million available shares.

Due to the large number of shares in the float, the liquidity can absorb any big moves. Therefore, while it is common to see 30% or 40% or even 100% moves during a short amount of time in a low float stock, this is not often seen with high float stocks.

The lack of scarcity means the value is often at “equilibrium” with the amount of shares being traded. Thus it takes more effort to move the price.

Larger companies such as AAPL or FB are examples of stocks with high float.

Comparison Between High and Low Floats

To imagine the difference, lets take a stock with a float of 18 million and 23.5 million outstanding shares, and compare it with AAPL at 16.68 billion float and 16.75 billion shares outstanding.

EYES ran 1293% in just 4 trading days:

EYES 1293% small stock float example
EYES small float stock example

AAPL moves 18% in 38 trading days.

Large stock float example
AAPL large float stock example

Clearly, there is a difference. For most investors or traders, it is usually a safe bet to trade stocks that have a higher float.

Trading low float stocks can be lucrative in the short run, but they typically come with the headaches of volatility and a lack of secure fundamentals.

Market Cap vs. Free-Float Market

Market capitalization, or market cap for short, is closely linked to the free float of the stock.

When researching stocks, companies are usually categorized based on their market capitalization. Pull up any ticker on finance.yahoo.com or any other site, and you’ll see Market Cap at the top of the list, usually:

Yahoo Finance Market Cap for AAPL
Yahoo! Finance Market Cap for AAPL

The important question for traders, is whether you should pay attention to this.

Market cap is a measure of a company’s size: the total value of a company’s outstanding shares of stocks. These outstanding shares include publicly traded shares as well as restricted shares that are held by insiders.

How To Calculate Market Capitalization

To calculate market capitalization you simply take the number of a company’s shares that are outstanding. Multiply the shares outstanding by the current stock price in order to get the market cap of the stock.

Let’s illustrate this with a simple example.

Say a company ABC Inc. has a total of 5 million shares outstanding. If this company is trading at a stock price of $10, you can get the market cap by multiplying the shares outstanding with the stock price.

In this example, we get $50 million as the market capitalization of the company.

Within market capitalization, there are certain classifications. The different categories can vary depending on who you ask. However, market capitalization is broadly classified into the following:

Now that we understand what market capitalization is, we can see the difference.

Market cap is based on the total value of the company’s shares.

Float is the number of outstanding shares that are available for general trading by the public.

The Free Float Market Cap Calculation Method

There is also another measure called the free float market cap method of calculation. In the free float calculation method, the market cap excludes shares that are locked in. The shares that are locked in are inside shares that are not available for the general public.

Generally, the free float method of calculating the market cap is widely used. Major indexes such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P500 make use of the free float method.

Free float and market cap are important metrics for investors. When combined together, these two values show the total available shares for the public to trade.

Stock Price Manipulation Through Float

One common question among traders is whether one can manipulate the price of a stock based on the float.

As mentioned above, a reduction in the float can almost immediately raise the price of a security. This might seem contrary to the notion of “higher the float, bigger the price.”

This is not the case however. For example, when risk averse investors are on the short side of the stock, reducing the float can squeeze these investors out of the market.

This research paper of Float manipulation and stock prices gives insight into how firms can expand or shrink the float. The researchers observe Japanese stock listings and the price impact of firms who reduce their float between 0.1% up to 100% for periods of one to three months.

The study concludes that the price of a stock tends to rise when the float is reduced and conversely, the price of the stock falls when the float is increased.

The returns of the stock are also said to be cross-sectionally related to the reduction in the float.

There is strong evidence that firms tend to issue equity or redeem their convertible debts when the float is low. After all, they want the highest price they can get for their shares.

For this reason, firms have strong incentives for manipulating the stock price via its float.

Can A Company Increase or Decrease Its Float?

The answer to this is yes. Companies can raise or decrease their float in a handful of ways.

  • A company can raise the float by issuing new shares and it can reduce the float by announcing buy back of its shares.  Other examples include a company announcing a stock split which could impact the float.
  • Insider activity is also one of the factors influencing the float. For example, insiders who usually own options can choose to exercise their option. This can also influence the float. However, for this to occur there needs to be a significant amount of option exercises.
  • A company can also increase its float by deciding to sell some of the inside shares. This is done for legitimate reasons such as raising cash, but there could also be ulterior motives.
  • Typically, you can see the float changing when there are some big changes. The trigger for the changes to the float can be due to the fundamental drivers such as news events or company reports and rumors.

Pros and Cons of Trading Low Float Stocks

As you might expect by now, there are pros and cons when it comes to trading stocks with a low float. For a more in depth look, be sure to check out our post on Float Rotation.

Let’s talk about the upside first!


Because low float stocks are volatile, there is a tremendous upside to the stock. Traders who can take a calculated risk on low float stocks could end up with big returns.

Despite the inherent risks, traders can find an occasional good trade with tremendous upside potential in low float stocks. One of the important things to look for is liquidity.


In many ways, trading low float stocks can be similar to trading penny stocks or micro-cap stocks.

Low float stocks can be very risky to hold because they can have violent moves in either direction. With so few shares available to trade, the impact on supply and demand can be significant.

Low float stocks can be easy to manipulate with large unexpected orders. This is something that investors need to bear in mind.

Stocks with low floats also tend to be volatile around fundamental news releases. These include any type of news that is related to the industry or the sector in particular. Liquidity also increases around such events which can give good opportunity for investors to exit the stock after making a good trade.

Be sure to check for any filings with the SEC as these companies tend to offer shares during price spikes.

How To Find Float Data

There are a number of services that offer float data. Yahoo Finance and Finviz are just a few of the popular ones. Popular charting platforms may offer this as well, usually with a subscription to fundamental data.

Here is a snapshot of some of the fundamental data that finviz.com provides free of charge:

finviz.com float data
finviz.com fundamentals data

Regardless of the service you use, you may find some discrepancies from one to the next.


Hopefully this helps fill in some gaps when it comes to stock float and the impact it may have on your trading.

As with any piece of information in the markets, it is always wise to study the context and historical examples. Here at TradingSim.com, we can help with this as we have the ability to filter your search for simulated trades based on float size.

Hopefully you’ll take the time to develop your playbook and decide whether you like the price action and risk of low floats or high float stocks.

Best of luck!

man pointing out averaging down

Averaging down is the popular way to describe buying more of a position as a stock goes down. It’s akin to seeing something you think is valuable in a supermarket getting marked down over and over again. And because you believe it is undervalued, you buy more of it as the price plummets.

But is the averaging down trading strategy profitable over the long-term? How about when day trading? What are the pitfalls?

In this post, we will cover the basics of the averaging down trading strategy and why this approach can be dangerous for your portfolio. We’ll also look at why “averaging up” on a short position can be even more dangerous. Lastly, we’ll give an example of when averaging down might work.

What is Averaging Down?

Averaging down is the process of adding to a position as it goes counter to your initial transaction. You can also “average up” in a position when you are trying to short it. In other words, you sell more shares short as the price rises — moving your average price up as you go.

EYES averaging up example

In theory, this makes sense because it will allow you to obtain the same asset at a better price. Therefore, you can average down or up on the entry price and, in turn, increase the profits when you close out the position.

That being said, there is one major flaw in this strategy. You have no clue which trades will go in your favor and which will continue to slide against you.

A Competing Theory

Opponents of this strategy point to the old adage of cutting your losers and letting your winners run. This sounds easy enough, but why is this so hard to do?

The answer to that question is rooted in the fundamental human nature to hope. Just like other parts of our ordinary lives, we tend to want to hang on to things too long, hoping they’ll change for the better.

For this reason, when we see a stock is no longer going in our favor, instead of taking the loss, we do what we think is the “smart” thing and add to the position. It’s all based upon our ego and not wanting to be wrong.

Yet while change may inevitably come, all too often that hope may take us on a ride far longer and more costly than we ever imagined.

"My philosophy is that all stocks are bad. There are no good stocks unless they go up in price. If they go down instead, you have to cut your losses fast. Letting losses run is the most serious mistake made by most investors." -William J. O'Neil

If you can accept a loss for what it is, then trading becomes one of the most straightforward business operations you could ever undertake. But instead of treating our trades like a business decision, we get stuck in the emotional attachment of holding on.

Investors use phrases like averaging down to justify their risky actions of not only holding onto a losing position but adding to them.

To understand the psychology of it all, let’s step back from the trading game for a second and look at the concept another way.

Would You Average Down with any Other Business?

To simplify the concept of averaging down, let’s say you owned a small housewares shop. In this shop, you sell all types of products.

But you recently added a new style of toaster that is going to change how people eat their breakfast.

Placing the toaster in your front window with banners and ribbons, you think the toasters will fly off the shelf. You believe in the product.

However, to your surprise, you were only able to sell one toaster in an entire week.

You look over your inventory sheet, and you realize that you have 499 toasters left to sell, so you begin to worry a little and place a phone call to the supplier.

Somehow Things Get Worse

The supplier empathizes with your concerns.

To help you out, they offer an additional 20% discount to improve your margins. This time, you know that things will be better because you can average down on the price you paid for the toaster.

Perhaps the only reason the toaster is not selling is due to the sale price.

With that in mind, you take the supplier up on their offer. You now own 1,000 toasters. 2/3 of your inventory are priced at the discounted rate — a better average price.

You mark the price down slightly, but to your surprise, there is no additional interest. You are still unable to sell any toasters.

What would you do at this point? Would you average down again?

Take a look at what this activity would look like on a stock chart. Imagine if these shares of Citigroup were toasters:

Averaging Down

As you can see, trading is just like any other business. So, why expose your trading account to this risky behavior?

2008 Mortgage Crisis – Example of Averaging Down

For those of you that can remember the bear market in 2008, it was nothing short of brutal. The market fell off a cliff and just kept going.

As an investor, you may have decided to buy the Dow Jones as it was tanking. This is what it would have looked like:

Averaging Down on the Dow

As we all know, the Dow is now trading back over 30,000. However, it has taken 13 years to get there. Why not let others clamor for the bottom in pricing, while you pick up the pieces once they’re exhausted?

Only Average Down from a Position of Strength

This may sound a bit contradictory at first? Let’s explain.

A position of strength means you are buying into the dips of a strong trend.

You can get a better feel for the concept through chart illustrations. Let’s examine a few.

Comparing the two charts below, which stock would you want to average down on?

Strong Uptrend
Strong Uptrend
Weak Uptrend
Weak Uptrend

You are probably thinking, well you can’t average down in the first one because it’s at highs and showing real strength.

Well, that’s precisely what we want to see.

You just need to go to a lower time frame, like 5 minutes for example, to find an opportunity where you can average down in the stock. The $23 level was finding support on the daily chart, so we zoom into the 5min chart and place our “dip buys” there.

Averaging Down on 5 Minute Chart
Average Down on 5 Minute Chart

Remember, this stock was at multi-month highs on a daily chart. So, buying into this stock would be buying right as it is breaking out on an intraday and daily basis.

We call these constructive pullbacks. They are different from reversals and capitulations. Ideally, they occur in a young, strong uptrend, where we expect more highs.

This is how you buy from a position of strength.

To reiterate: averaging down can be very risky. But, if you are going to do it, you have to buy into a stock that is trending strongly.

Closing Trades You’ve Averaged Into

There are two choices you have when deciding how to close out your trades. Please review each approach in detail and think back to your trades to see which one will work best for you.

Close Out the Position in Pieces

If you fid yourself in the position of having averaged down on a trade, it may make sense to close the position out in pieces.

For example, if you had four buys into a falling stock, you would have the same four sells to exit the trade.

Now, this is where it gets a bit tricky.

If you are up on the position and you want to scale out as things go in your favor, this makes total sense. You are never going to go broke taking money out of the market as things go your way.

Scaling Out after averaging down
Scaling Out

In the above chart example, you can see three entries and three sells. This scenario would be the best you can hope for with this approach.

Averaging down would have allowed you to gain a better average share price, while you are then later able to scale out of the position at much higher prices.

Again, this is assuming the entries were from a constructive overall pullback.

Two Things Required to Close Out in Pieces

There are two pieces to this puzzle you need in your favor.

Firstly, as you average down, you need the stock to hold up and not continue lower. In other words, a constructive pullback into an area of support like we mentioned earlier.

Secondly, the rally not only turns a profit for you but rallies strongly enough that you can sell out in equal pieces.

This even more challenging of a concept when you factor in day trading, as the morning high set within the first hour of trading is often the high for the entire day.

Again, this can be a risky trade if the stock doesn’t bounce. Imagine the example below:

ALF Averaging Down
ALF average down

In this event, how do you scale out of a losing position? Assuming you didn’t sell at the bottom.

This is where paralysis could set in and as stated earlier, you now take a massive loss as you are carrying a large position after averaging down and you are completely vulnerable.

Close Entire Position

If you are closing your entire position, you are doing so for one of two reasons: (1) you have hit your target price or (2) you are getting crushed, and your stop loss was triggered.

Hit Your Target Price

Buying from a position of strength means being in a stock that is going in your favor soon after your entry. This is ideal.

As we mentioned earlier, this typically occurs in a strong uptrend, or right after a constructive pause in that trend.

GERN up trend nice and easy
Nice and Easy

In these slow and steady stocks, it is easier to sit tight until your target is reached.

The benefit of holding your entire position until you reach your target is reaping all the profits at the highest price. The downside is you are completely exposed until your goal is reached.

Stop Loss Exit

This one typically hurts the most for amateur traders. But for experienced traders, it doesn’t hurt as badly.


Disciplined traders only put on trades when all their criteria are met. This doesn’t mean they have a 100% chance of success in the trade. It just means they have a high probability of success.

So when their stop losses are hit. They don’t take it personally. They chalk it up to the 15% of trades they know they’ll lose.

Stop Loss

On the other hand, the amateur trader is averaging down during this process. And depending on how you averaged down will determine how much pain you are feeling as the stock goes against you.

However, like the professional trader, if you have a set amount you use on every trade and you scale in, then while you will take a loss, it may still be manageable.

Now, if you use a set amount per trade, but have gone beyond your standard per trade amount and have doubled or tripled your exposure when averaging down – you are in trouble.

Regardless of the amount of pain due to the loss, closing out the position at your predetermined stop is the right decision.

In Summary

Ultimately, averaging down or up is your decision as a trader. As we have recommended, if you are going to average down, do it from a position of strength.

Better yet, we encourage you to track your results over a minimum of 20 trades or more in a simulated environment.

See if averaging down has helped improve your bottom line before you put real money to risk.

Good luck!